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RE: What's To Become Of Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

Good thoughts here, @richq11!

I'm incredibly new to Steemit, but I am trying to get going as a quality content creator. I've been reading lots of more experienced blogs and absorbing advice.

The best piece of advice I've got might be "avoid overposting."

If I had all of my time to blog, I think I would still never exceed one post per day. I would just work harder on each one.

As a new user, I see a lot of what you're talking about, but I also see a ton of smart people sharing quality, intellectually stimulating content.

I'm sure a lot of the original Steemit bosses aren't going to stick around, but there will be plenty of new ones coming in.

Thanks for a great post!


I hate to see people leave. If I might share my experience with you... stick to good content. It gets incredibly frustrating, but in the long run it pays off I think. I didn't get the reputation I have by posting crap. That's what I use to judge- someone's rep, not how many followers they have. I don't know who 3/4 of mine are. I figure I have about 150-200 actual followers.

I'm the first to admit, I've thrown out a junk post or two, but I always try to include some text- humor. About posting frequency: after the last HF, the amount of votes you can cast have declined (4x) so you can't expect your followers to vote your stuff exclusively every few minutes- it's unrealistic. This is my only means of support, but I try not to hog the reward pool. If I do well on one post- that's it for the day. I look at this as a community. There are some incredibly good people on here and we try to help each other out. My other piece of advice is become part of the community. That's it- I won't bend your ear anymore!

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