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RE: Steemit Dtube Bitchute and the Youtube Purge - Will They Stand for Free Speech?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

From my point of view the big flaw of Steemit/DTube is the voting system, even if it was ment to be a positive aspect/element of "control" (or however you want to call it...).

As soon as Steemit/DTube will become "big" enough with a wide (multinational etc.) audience (probably never as big as YT etc.) there will be the problem with fake accounts, trolls etc. who will porposefully downvote truther blogs/videos which could affect re_ality in a positive/TRUE way.

At present 99 % of all Youtube and DTube videos are part of a massive dumbing down, fear-porn process of human beings / the herd of sheep aka sheeple ("ordo ab chao", "divide et impera", "bread and circusses", gaming nonsense, rigged sports, fake news about illegal/fake wars, fabricated terrorism, sexism etc.).

I am a pure and true human being, was 2007-2011 on Youtube, then left and am now on Steemit/DTube with my true message (blog, music and eventually also videos). But to be honest, I do not know how effective my free work (rise consciousenss of as many human beings as possible...) will be, because most souls (human beings) are not ready to be confronted with pure truth.

Satanic FIAT- Rothschild-money, trinity of occult/satanic domination = City Of London + Washington/DC + Vatikan, bloodlines & EL_ites, fake nationalism, alpha-wave-hypnosis with TVs, military-industrial-complex with fabricated wars/terrorism, degeneration of spirituality (sexism, pornography, transgenderism), fake diseases (big-pharma-medicine-mafia), satanic/occult eating habits (corpses), pegan holidays (X-Mas, Easter), mass killings of animals (for fun!), satanic media (Hollywood), occult/satanic Scientism (modern religion -> Jesuit Order) incl. NASA, SpaceSex, Big Bang lie, Evil_ution etc.

If you truly over_stand the Matrix Trilogy you know that only a fraction of all human beings (souls) is ready to be woken up from the satanic Matrix (a tiny fraction of all souls leaves the "game", the rest stays for a new match aka fake revo_lution...). I´m therefore not sure how effective all the truther work / blogs / videos is or will be, because most souls are not ready to receive the message (resonance). Nevertheless I will continue and hope that Steemit/DTube does not censor true messages / frequencies of truth.

Love, truth and harmony
Chris Pheros, Germany


Thanks so much for sharing all that Chris. We must endeavour to persevere through all of this madness.... We can't lose hope, even if it seems so hopeless.

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