in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

There are a lot of children worldwide blessed with some special gifts, many of them if given a chance would make a great impact in our world. A lot of kids are very talented that when you see what they can do you’d be marveled, I haven’t had the chance to be around the world but the few places I’ve been opportuned to be I have seen a lot of children with one talent or the other, not like they learnt it or something, its just in them naturally. When I was a little boy, I had this thing for electronics, I could repair almost anything, when I was in pry 3

I would save for weeks just to buy an electronic toy, not like I want them so I could play with them, I only buy them to destroy and reconstruct in my own way, I built radio with paper, I built a walking robot, I built a toy car with carton, I continued till I was in the secondary school. Back then when I build stuffs, my seniors would come prizing them to buy, I remember vividly when I was in j.s.s 1 I built an helicopter with just the cardboard pack of cabin biscuit, one of my seniors then begged me with a thousand naira to sell it to him, but I refused… I ended up selling it for four thousand naira, that was the first time I ever made money that much, I was happy about it, as time went on I had more knowledge on things to build, but I didn’t have materials for them, with time I stopped building things, If I had gotten a sponsor or probably had someone to coach and provide me with the little things I need by now I would probably had built something that the world would appreciate.With time I noticed there were other people with talents who also didn’t have the privilege to showcase their talent and ever since then I had it in mind that I would help any little talented child I see, but I haven’t gotten the resources to enable them, but I believe with time I would be able to fulfill my dreams and help make the world a better place.

I am presently serving my country Nigeria and fate has made it to be that I am in Delta state, Nigeria, a program called the National Youth Corps Service, and me being here I have noticed some talented students. Seeing them only reminds of the younger me and I would really love to empower them the little way I can, Thank God for a platform like STEEMIT at least I would be able to showcase the kids to the world, when I newly arrived Delta state, I saw a boy build a sailing ship with bamboo sticks and he used nylon as the body of the ship, he added fan blade and the ship was able to sail, last week a student produced a car with carton and labeled it “Toyota”, at first I wasn’t really amazed because I could build a better one when I was that age but what struck me was that the car was built with magnets and it moves with the aid of the magnetic force, why didn’t I think of that when I was that age??

The main reason I was inspired to post this was yesterday I came across another student who built an airplane with carton and it has detachable remote control, it doesn’t actually fly but it moves with the aid of the remote if its connected to the airplane, I was marveled, there are many more children out there who are much more talented and I am ready to fish them out because these are the leaders of tomorrow and they would make a huge difference if given an opportunity, I may not be financially stable, but I should sure be able to provide them with the materials they need because some of them buy stuffs like rotor, wire and battery. We should look out for the younger ones who are talented and help them out, definitely you will forget some of them you’ve met but I bet you when they come across you someday they will recognize you.


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