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RE: How is the Flagging Whale-Votes Experiment Going?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have stopped posting on Steemit because my two last posts got flagged for the fun of some self-interested people, showing they own this playground and they can do whatever they want.
On Steemit the flag was created to be used in very clear circumstances but it has been used by the Feudal Lords of Steemit that self-authorize them to use as a gun for their personal wars.
The big problem is that most of the people is quiet about their rights, and don't mind being used as guinea pigs for the experiments.
The paternalistic leaders will make them rich is they agree that any experiment can be conducted without the authorized consent of the users.
And the Flag as became and gun for the mighty power to show you what happens when you are not a sheep following the wolves.
Fascism is the use of indiscriminate force or violence to generate fear of retaliation and live in a reign of terror.
If people give up to fight for their rights and if everybody knows what is the purpose of the flag, should denounce the situation and demand justice and equality for all Steemians.
The worst thing on Steemit now is the myth that this flagging is making Steem go up and Steemit is much better, and the Flag system is the solution for the problems of Steemit and it can be used for any ends and not for the ones that it was conceived.
It means that "fake news" can become true on Steemit as in mainstream social media.


The creators screwed up when they thought SP would give incentives to maintain the quality of steemit like employees with stock options. They forgot about the path of least resistance. A whale could F it up for few and still face no consequences. In mining or masternodes, there will be clear short term consequences. On steemit, there is no such thing. It's like USSA. The good parts hold and compensate for the negative actions. A swarm of "good"whales can royally screw select few and steemit would continue fine for the short and mid term. It'll be like a grand oak tree growing hollow inside. People would only realize when the tree falls down. It reminds me of the current state of "The land of the free" very much. I've posted several comments at several places. Please take a look at them too.

Of the accounts created on Steemit in 2016, ~11% remain active. This is an awful retention rate, and Stinc repeatedly ignores this and claims ~400k accounts, because that's how many were ever created.

Steemit is hollow. And current flagging, which I have practically begged to be inflicted on me in the last day or so (probably foolishly), is being prosecuted right now that is demonstrably and obviously curtailing content creation on Steemit, and accelerating the process of hollowing out the bold corpse.

Truly, it is very much like the land of the fee, and the home of the knave.


I'd actually like to see more complex stats like posts per user, revenue per user, posting frequency, median/average account value etc. But it doesn't seem like it'll happen.

Have you checked I joined the ICO on Binance just to see the Chinese ban + refund. That was my first ICO attempt.

I actually spend as little time investing, and on personal finance, as possible, as I have shit to do, and those distract me.

For stats, check out @paulag, and #bisteemit. Also, @arcange, @dbdecoy, and others, who stand and deliver much such.

Fascism? Force? Violence? Fear? Reign of Terror?
Jesus Christ, dude. It's just votes and words that express opinions on a website. There's no violence here and nobody is in any danger. The hyperbole and sense of entitlement here is astonishing.

"It's just votes and words" you said.
It's just guns and butter, I say.

What is it that rounds up armies to genocide their neighbors? That siphons off the wealth of the world in corrupt backroom deals exchanging the sovereignty of citizens for cash for representatives? What is it that created the panoptic surveillance state, authorized the Executive of the USG to seize, imprison indefinitely, slander, torture, and murder without due process, without even a charge, in secret, at will?

Just words and votes.

Golden words my friends. I don't remember when I started following you. But now I stand proud because I did follow you at some point. The rule of steemit is the rule of SP. Basically it's just might is right. I didn't understand Ayn Rand's hostility towards libertarians. But now thanks to these events I'm beginning to understand why. Flagging due to disagreements is like jailing the homeless and physically deformed because they are eyesore. If you don't like something, don't vote or else you'd create drama and negative feedback. If spammers and plagiarists get negative feedback, it helps the platform. But if a productive person gets negative feedback he/she's going to produce less. I've previously stated that pretty much all the flaws of steemit comes from lack of vision and constitution which Dash DAO understand. First you define the rules and let the community opt in. Dash wants to be digital cash and whatever they do is aimed at that. Dash agreed to go for 400MB blocks and beyond in a matter of hours because they want to drive VISA out of business. Steemit should be a community run Times magazine with social media capabilities. The purpose of flags should merely be to drive out what's hurting steemit. Debating about anything that doesn't serve that bottom line is a waste. Value is subjective. One should not argue how much something is worth. Disagreement on rewards is the equivalent of price controls.

I am pretty impressed you found this post and comment. Not many dig into the back catalog.

You clearly are well worthy of following, as your appetite for information is likely to exceed even mine!


Well I used to read scraps of paper lying around and read Journey to the Center of Earth while in second grade. Finished Space Odyssey series by Arthur C Clark while in middle school and read at 9th Grade. So I am bit of an information addict.

Thanks for the follow :-)

Followed you some time ago, after you schooled me on some topic or other =p

No, it was not just words and votes that did all those things you listed. It was people with weapons threatening violence against others. Nobody on steemit has any military power to threaten others with. Our votes and words here are not backed by threats of assault like those of governments are.

No. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. When Gerinkh Yagoda joined like-minded war criminals, no one held a gun to his head. All they used were words.

Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve System into law, and the sole means of getting him to do that were words and votes. Nobody held a gun to his head.

My point is exactly that military power is unnecessary to create oppression. Our words and votes here are backed with threats of financial assault. Just ask @krnel.

"I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom." - Noam Chomsky

"Let the people be armed." - Thomas Jefferson

On steemit that's called SP combined with talent, dedication and facts. Those are our weapons.

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