Halloween taboo / 中元节的禁忌,你们都知道吗?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

 I photo town building 本人照片镇楼

Today (August 17, lunar July 15) is the ghost festival is commonly known as "Halloween" sound of Papa Oh ~ in addition to the ancestral grave even in advance to remind everyone to pay attention to some matters.



One, the night after 12 do not go out! This is not to say, we all know.


Two. Don't cut your nails!

It is said that the ghosts are afraid of things on the cuticle, if they cut off fear things, they will bully you.




Three, do not shoot someone else's shoulder.

Legend: Youshi is 17:00~19:00, from the spiritual perspective, the human body has three fire, respectively on the head and shoulders, so ghost month is best not to just shoot someone's head and shoulder, so as not to extinguish the fire of his body, for good brothers to exploit.



Four, don't swim, swim a stupid tie down, may not come.

Can not go swimming in dangerous waters, the legend of "lost" will find people as the scapegoat for reincarnation.



Five, sleep to the middle of the night, do not get up to pee or look aroundIf you see something at home, do not panic, pretending to have nothing to see, and then continue to go to sleep.




Six, if you sleep at midnight, do not go to see the clock

May be looking at the clock, the pointer does not move, because then there may be something is trying to put you out of your body.



Seven, don't say "ghost" word

The hungry ghost festival day, is said to the ghosts will qingchaoerchu, temple and Purdue method in particular, is often the most ghost, and the ghost festival also don't disorderly speak, maybe ghost is from your side after it.




Eight, don't trample paper money

Roadside often have to burning, scattered incense paper don't trample, that is burning ghost money to, often ghosts to help pick up and if you step on them. They're not happy is also very easy to think of.



Nine, avoid the middle of the night to dry clothes

Wet clothes on the adsorption of free waves, in the middle of the night to dry clothes in a trap to catch the ghost, he does not find you who do?



Ten, can not eat worship offerings

And for fear of being a bad ghost.




Eleven, can not whistle

Beware of good brothers like you; through the graveyard, mouth to keep repeating "I'm sorry to disturb!" and maintain silence can't whistle, in order to show respect to the good brothers. 


当心好兄弟喜欢你; 经过坟地时,口中要不断默念“对不起,打扰了!”并保持肃穆不可吹口哨,以表示对好兄弟的尊重。  


Twelve, the head of a bed not hanging 

bellsBecause the wind chimes will move Yin; don't play diexian. At the front of the homes don't easy card shade of the banyan tree, also in the house don't hanging Campanula, don't play Diexian, not Yin Temple. Only in this way can reducing the spectre of the upper part of the body.


因风铃会招阴;也不玩碟仙 。住家门口前别种容易卡阴的榕树,另外屋子内也别乱挂风铃,不玩碟仙、不上阴庙,这样可以减少阴灵上身的可能。  

Thirteen, the ground change and red bag bag, do not pick up

Don't pick up roadside money, because the money may be good brothers, or these are used which zhaoqing.



Fourteen, do not rely on the wall to rest

Nothing to rely on the wall, because the best brother usually like to rely on the wall of the rest, the move is easy to lead the ghost.




Fifteen, do not address him by name

Night don't wear embroidered with the names of their own clothes, in order to avoid absolute being is possessed, also it is best to avoid even the name with a surname of people to address him by name, otherwise once for good brothers heard, took the opportunity to withdraw his soul and hear someone calling his name, also do not want to back immediately or response. Tomorrow is the ghost festival, although we not superstitious, but some things or "prefer to believe, not trusted the no", after all, is the ancestor to stay days, must also have a reason it.


晚上不要穿戴绣有自己姓名的衣物,以免元神被附身,另外最好避免连名带姓的直呼别人名字,否则一旦给好兄弟听到后,会趁机取走他的三魂六魄,同时若听到有人喊自己的名字时,也千万不要立刻回头或回应。   明天就是中元节了,虽然咱们不能迷信,但是有些事情还是“宁可信其有,不可信其无”,毕竟是老祖宗留下来的日子,一定也是有它的道理吧。







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