in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

VEN_hugo-chavez-dead_people_mourning-1.jpgOur problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. – John F. Kennedy. We humans are responsible for the state in which the world is today, we sold out happiness and peace in exchange for war, pain, grief and so on because of our greed, selfishness etc. The good news is that there is still solution to correct our mistakes.

It s very funny despite series of strategies ,tactics numerous genius have suggested in making the world a better place someone here on Steemit now says a simple method can be applied to change the world.

Don’t be surprise, I hope you patiently read through and judge my post. This method cost us nothing to use it but we have failed to apply it and it has affected us and it has caused us damages beyond repair. Without looking deeply we can see the World is in a great catastrophe, terrorism here and there, war, corruption, strikes, and countless crimes and so on. All these are happening because the world in general does not have that one important thing.

When I say the world, I am talking about the inhabitant. There is nothing called the world without us meaning we are the one that lack this thing called LOVE.
Let me ask some questions

If there is love will a man kill his neighbor?

With love can you watch your neighbor starve to death?

Can a leader with love steal the country money and watch people to suffer?

With love between countries, will they wage war between their selves?

With love, will people terrorize others? Leaving them homeless, childless and even kids become orphans.

“The only way to make sure you're happy is to love and care for others, even when they don't do the same. Spread love in the ways you know how, because the love you give is its own reward.” ― Connor Chalfant

The answers are all no. If truly we posses love the world will be a better place. No wonder God gave us as his greatest commandment in Mark 12:31 it says and I quote” Love your neighbor as yourself, no other commandment is greater than this”. Do you think the creator of the universe hasn’t seen what the world is going to look like in our days? He knows what we need that why he gave that thing called LOVE.

Many will tell you they love or they show love but all for selfish reasons. For instance using my own country as an illustration. Election is approaching; different politicians have been showing love to people just to gain their vote. They start different scholarship, giving out food, paying attention to the displaced but once they get what they are after all this love disappear .All these are not a genuine love. They are temporary love and a temporary love is not a love. My mom will say what love is between a man and chicken? It is a love with benefit. (Lol)

A true Love does not come for a purpose. It s something you do without expecting anything in return. You do without minding who you are doing it to, the sex or tribe of whosoever you are showing the love to.

Imagine if we all live in love and zero hate for ourselves. And one thing we fail to know no love is small, let me say a big thank you to @teekingtv for the love he showed me by introducing steemit to me. It is love because he knew I was struggling to survive and he gave me a means of survival.

If you agree or not we have gotten to a crossroads in this world where pain and struggle appear to fill in as our universal language. The happiness regarding seeing another person in torment and conflict shouldn't be our habit . Judge from our TV shows, music, and media and you will see where my data originates from. Our news demonstrates stink with pictures of death and criminal action but it is not to late even though not all loss can be recovered but we can all be happy again. All we need to do is to live with each other in true love and gradually the world will change from bad to better.

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