Our Greatest Tool Can Be Our Greatest Weapon

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I believe one of our greatest tools can also be our greatest weapon, depending on how we use it. 

Some people use this force of nature for malice. Or manipulation. Or passion. Or love. For anything. 

Some people choose not to use this force of nature at all, and that in itself also sends quite a powerful message.

This force of nature I refer to is something each and every one of us has used throughout our lives for both good and bad, whether we realize it or not. Even an innocent child learns the magnitude of this force very early in life -- and isn't afraid to use it.

Sometimes this force just slips out... clumsily or innocently. Sometimes it's intrusive or harsh. Sometimes it flows like a peaceful brook. And sometimes, it can be the deciding factor between love and hate. 

This force is the window to our every thought and desire; it's the interpreter of our mind. 

This force of nature is the backbone of Steemit. It's a tool for people like me who choose to interpret  and share what is going on inside their heads.

Do you know what it is yet?

It's words!

Smiling doesn't hurt either.


Choose your words wisely and you will change your reality. I can promise you that. If you allow your words to accurately represent who you are, you are sure to get exactly what you've always wanted. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, but sometimes wisely chosen words allow you to filter out the junk in your life (junk people included), which ends up being a good thing.

Sometimes, I find myself thinking self-destructive thoughts...a lot of times actually. I've learned to train my thoughts (which are really just words in my head) to transform them into something more realistic or kind, and the change flows over into my spoken and written words. Hardly anything is ever as bad as I imagine it to be -- especially made-up stories in my head.

Before I knew it, I naturally started thinking, speaking , and writing with more clarity. I started making more sense to myself and others, too. Go figure. 

What are your words accomplishing today? Go use your words to lift someone up. ;)


This is probably the best advice anyone can give. Change the way you represent yourself to the world, change your reality entirely. Great post :)

Thank you, my friend! :)

Writing mine as we speak and I've quoted you from this article. I'm writing about accountability and the power that our actions can have on others if only we realise our own internal worth - but far better explained haha. If that made any sense at all? :)

Go work your magic in your article and I'll read it when you're finished. :)

Hey Cali, I'm new to steemit...just curious. Enjoyed reading your post. Particularly what you said about thinking self destructive thoughts.

I'm also very aware of dealing with the self destructive human nature. (The abyss or dark side) That can be dangerous. I'm fascinated with changing my own reality. Personally having done a lot of escapism. Focusing on & choosing good thoughts or words. (like that) Words can elevate our reality...inspiring!

PS like your pic!

How is the journey going for you so far? Have you seen a lot of changes?

Amazing things are developing in the near future for me. Since being back from the cycling journey though Africa...that almost cost me my life. I guess you can say the whole dynamic of my existence is evolving now for the better. Exciting...good people are coming into my life, and dynamic people showing interest in my story. Please follow my journey too cali I am honoured and inspired to connect. As for steemit I'm equally optimistic and intrigued...smile...early days!

That sounds fascinating, Cedric! I am definitely following.

Welcome...interesting your post says "finding my way out of the abyss" if you read my introduce myself post...I also talk about the dealing with the abyss...namaste!

I suppose many of us are resisting the abyss these days. The word came from one of my earlier posts "Journey from the Abyss to the Clouds."

One of my favourite quotes on the abyss, that I discovered on my epic journey was true...don't resist the abyss...hope that gives you courage.

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

― Terence McKenna

What a great post, @cali-girl. It's so easy to forget how one's internal monologue can be damaging if you find yourself thinking negative thoughts/words. I'm glad I read this! You've used your words so well that I'm gonna keep coming back to your posts. Uplifting and upvoted :D

Glad I could help! :)

Most of the time we don't even realize that our internal diaglogue is toxic because it comes so naturally to us; we don't know any better...until we do. :)

"we don't know any better... until we do." I like that. :) ha ha. And thanks for correcting me too. Didn't know whether it was monologue or dialogue! Now I know better. xD

Well, you are right, too. It can be a monologue and most people would probably say it is. However, I happen to have the opinion that our egos (AKA the untrue chatter in our heads) and our authentic self (who we really are), are 2 separate entities...therefore, a dialogue.

What's funny is that I didn't even see the word "monologue" in your comment because I automatically assume inner battles are a dialogue.

I had never really thought of it like that. Food for thought!

I look at it this way:

If someone were to walk up to me on the street and say, "Hey, you're a useless human being!" I would shrug it off and not give it a second thought, and maybe even respond, "No one asked you" or something to that effect. I like to tell myself the same thing whenever stupid thoughts like that pop into my head.

Yeah. You're quite right. I suspect the most difficult thing about it is, if somebody were to say that to you, you could shrug it off because they don't really know you and have no right to call you that. But it's easy to sort of persecute yourself, for lack of a better term, because you'd have a reason to think something like that about yourself. So if you made a poor choice, you'd feel like it's totally justifiable to think something like that about yourself. But yeah, luckily, there are posts like this one to read and remind us that it's not all that bad, and that we can be our own worst enemies! :)

Love your writing style! wish i could write as good as you.

I am trying to train myself to be a lot less self destructive but it is really hard sometimes, you know ?

It's extremely hard!!! As much power as we have over our own thoughts, I think everyone still ALWAYS struggles with keeping them in check.

I'm in love with her writing style as well maybe it's because i write similarly to her.

Your words can lead to peace , love and success or if used wrongly, hate and destruction...your choice and pls do the right thing. Very good post @cali-girl

Exactly. It's within our control.

Welcome , more success to you and keep steeming.

Dont forget to check out my post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.

Words have more power than everybody thinks :) Our thoughts shape our reality...

If more people realized that, they would stop beating themselves up verbally. :)

Yes it's true. Too bad some people never realize it or even think this is bullshit...

Mental chatter is everything. We all have a little voice inside our heads which gives us insight into how we truly feel about ourselves. The language that voice uses, or we choose to use, becomes our reality. If your inner voice is constantly berating you, comparing yourself to others and generally beating yourself up you're not going to be very happy in life.

"The mind is everything. What you think you become."

Words allow us to control our universe both internally and externally which is an important fact to consider, especially when we are prepared to give those words life.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
― Rudyard Kipling

Great post; we can all learn so much from each other! Well done!

Great motivational post, and i do agree words are our greatest tool, except for the brain :P

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