Attention forum moderators: you can finally get paid for your work!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I have thought of a system that could greatly reward moderators on SteemIt, which is something forum moderators have always wanted and now it's finally possible, thanks to SteemIt!

Procedure proposal:

  1. If you find a post that requires moderating, you search on the blockchain if nobody else has already made the moderating suggestion
  2. If you are the first one that finds a post that requires moderating you post a moderating suggestion (with [reason] as title prefix, for example [DUPLICATE]) in #moderating with the following details about the post: link to the case(s) in question and optional additional relevant information (for example links for duplicate posts)
  3. Moderators that agree with the moderating suggestion upvote it AND DOWNVOTE the post(s) in question. Moderators that disagree with the moderating suggestion downvote it.
  4. Further moderating for posts with the same topic (for example further duplicates) should be posted in the comment section of the moderating suggestion.
  5. All moderators decide if they reward or punish a moderator by up- or downvoting a moderating suggestion and/or comment. This rewards good moderators and punishes bad moderators. 

The 3 ways to make money:

  1. If you are the first moderator to find specific bad content and other moderators agree with your suggestion (upvote your post), you will be rewarded STEAM DOLLARS and STEAM POWER. 
  2. If you comment somewhere and someone likes your way of moderating you earn STEAM DOLLARS and STEAM POWER.
  3. Upvote moderating suggestions and comments you agree with to earn STEAM POWER. 

Quality assurance:

People that prefer STEAM DOLLARS will compete to be the first to find the bad content. This makes sure there's very fast moderating on the network, record keeping and moderators also moderate each other to ensure quality! The platform limits everyone to 1 post per 5 minutes so it's not possible for 1 moderator to claim most of the rewards.

Remaining problems:

  • Moderators have no incentive to do the actual proposed down vote, because upvoting the moderating suggestion post already makes them money. And as far as i know downvoting is only disadvantageous for you anyway (removes voting power).
  • Moderators will likely start making empty posts to be first to guarantee the STEEM DOLLARS and fill in the details of the post after that by editting the post.

Moderating suggestion example:  [Duplicates] Andreas Antonopoulos on Joe Rogan september 7th

Are you interested in actively moderating the network and make money for your effort? Come join #moderating or comment below.


We are all moderators, everybodys voice should be heard even if one specific person doesnt like it. Thats whats great about Steemit, but to put one person in power is awful. How they have it lied out right now is perfect and I wouldnt want them to change it.

I think you misunderstood the concept. Everyone is still in charge, but the #moderation tag is a spot for moderators to reward each other if they do good moderation work. Right now moderators don't get rewarded and therefor not much moderation is happening. If more and more moderators are aware of the #moderation tag and realize they will get paid for their work, more quality moderators will come.

Does that clarify it?

oh I get get, yes I did misunderstood that.

I updated this post to make it more clear to understand.

Are you still using the tag?

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