Why Steem Appeals To Primal Human Nature and Basic Human Emotion

in #steemit8 years ago

Many of the great psychologists of the 20th like Freud and Jung believed that deep down in our core most human beings desire the same things. There is a need for us as social animals to interact and share with each other, but even more there is a strong desire for us to receive recognition and admiration.

It is no surprise why so many people desire to be famous, they wish to be recognized for their work and admired for it. Sure many times wealth comes with it but most of the time it is just the icing on the cake. Steem plays to this basic primal emotion by awarding real monetary value to people who put in the effort and work towards creating content others want to see. A real monetary reward gives a far superior sense of satisfaction than a useless one, for example like reddit upvotes. I have 20k upvotes on my reddit account yet the satisfaction I get from even earning a dollar here is 100x greater. It makes me feel like I am desired and it makes me feel wanted in the community. This feeling has the power to attract millions to the platform. Zig Ziglar an extremely famous business motivational speaker says that

Research indicates that employees have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.

All three of those things can easily be obtained by just submitting through the steem platform given enough effort and work. Sure we have much to do before we can support a massive community, but having a platform where at its core, makes people psychologically want to come back is extremely powerful.

In addition to people wanting recognition, people want to give recognition where it is due. People inheriently want to look up to someone and aspire to be them which makes the platform run and have users feed off eachother.

“Have you ever felt the longing for someone you could admire? For something, not to look down at, but up to?”

-Ayn rand

There is a reason everyone feels great satisfaction when a whale or one of the founders finds a post interesting and upvotes you. It makes your week because those who you respect, respect you for a brief moment. I think at its core steemit will continue to succeed even with some issues because it appeals to basic human nature and I look forward to seeing how it progresses.



We wall want to be heard. We all want to matter.

I totally agree. It feels so totally natural and normal that it's hard to believe we didn't grow up with this.

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