2017 Top Crypto Currency Apps

in #steemit7 years ago

What are the best apps to track you purchases and stay on top of you crypto investment? Below I list a few top crypto apps that will make life easier on the go and my personal favorites.




With a simple touch of a button you have access to current market prices of 500+ crypto currencies. You can also setup your "altfolio" which you be either coins you own or coins your interested in to make it easier than sorting through all 500+ coins.



An exhange/ wallet to easily and securely store Bitcoin, Etheruem and Litecoin. This wallet is one that I personally use to buy bitcoin and transfer over to exchanges like Poloneix or bittrex to get other altcoins. This platform definitely needs some work as it sometimes cant support the high volume when the volatility is high. I believe over time it will only get better so give it some time.



An app to simple track purchases and manage your cryptocurrency portfolio without having to login to each exchange or wallet. You simply login in and it lets you know your crypto net worth. You can also change it to see your total worth in bitcoin which is pretty neat.

Coin Ticker


Last but not least and my personal favorite, Coin Ticker. An app made to see real time tickers as well as set up you crypto portfolio. This app allows you to input buys and sells and lets you know how much profit youve earned.

Please resteem if you think this is helpful and If you have any more suggestions comment below and dont forget to follow @bscot020 Thanks!


We would be more than happy if you would have a look at Cryptonaut. Cryptonaut helps you to track all your cryptocurrencies.

Would be great if the community could give me some feedback on a simple app I just built. Its a clutter-free completely free tracker for both Ios and Android that supports over 90 exchange API's and over 200 different wallet API's. Currently still working on updating my website but the apps are available for download. https://www.whalefolio.com/

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68183.21
ETH 3545.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82