Famous Quotes Revisited - Number one: William Steemitspeare - (Promotional for social media)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

To steemit or not to steemit, that is the question

little story behind the image:

Once again and while smoking (I Know it's a bad habit and I should quit...) I started thinking about steemit and on the youtube way in the background I listen that famous quote "to be or not to be".. and in a few seconds I had this concept.

Once back on the computer I took about 1 hour to make this. Searching for sources, searching for the ideal fonts, and a lot of adjustments... after 1 hour I had it finished.

PS: The THUG STEEMIT glasses was a bonus, I didn't think of that while smoking but it fitted like a glove, while enabling to add the steemit symbol into the lens.

This is image number one and I'm willing to do more, but for that I'll need something from you!

Please leave your comment with one or more famous quotes already with the #Steemit twist in it. Don't forget the original person that first said it also.

If you liked this initiative support it by giving your upvote below, thanks


I have another one. "Steemit will set you free" of course taken from the famous quote "work will set you free" by Adolf... wait nevermind.

I was smoking (again!) and I had one idea that uses the same "free" word. But the source it's better than Adolf, it's:

"I want to steemit free"

from The Queen / Freddy Mercury

What do you think?

and 35 minutes later it's done...

already have the 2nd Famous Quote Revisited done featuring Steemi Mercury :)

I'll release it in a day or two :)

William Steemitspeare really sells it for me.

eheheh :) nice // thanks for your upvote, means a lot :)

and... Any quote suggestions?


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