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RE: 500 Followers Celebration!!! - I'm Giving Mini Tarot Readings in the Comments - What's the Most Important Thing for You to Know About Your Success on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

I chose to read with the Voyager deck for you.

I drew the Five of Wands card - Oppression - reversed
Reversed Oppression Five of Wands.jpg
And then I saw this lone card chilling out, so I'm including it in the reading, too. It's a mysterious one. It kind of hid itself. So this suggests to me that this may be something you're not aware of and conscious of.
It was Man of Crystals - Inventor - reversed.
Reversed Inventor Man of Cyrstals.jpg

Maybe there are some things you want to address here on Steemit that are controversial or may cause conflict. Sometimes conflict can be good if it gets to the root of an issue. The Reversed Man of Crystals says not to be cruel or have a sharp tongue when you do this.

I'm getting from these cards that you want to shake things up a bit. And this would be good for you. I'm getting that you may have some hesitance about which direction to go and where to focus. But just find a place to focus and then go. Not choosing means no action. Let it hang out. Don't try to impress people. Don't try to outdo people or be competitive or outsmart people. Reversed Man of Crystals can be conniving, so this may be an aspect of your personality that you're not very in touch with. So, I think that here on this platform you will be working these things out in your expression of yourself and your life here. ❤️

Glad to have you here. I'll be checking in on ya. 😊


Thanks so much for taking the time for this reading. I love it! I think there are some things in here that definitely ring true for me, as well as some great guidance for this journey.

I so look forward to following your work! Sending you love for the time being, as my account value is pretty worthless at the :)

I hope you make a fortune in the future!

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