SteemitLA Meetup Last Night

in #steemit6 years ago

Last night I had the privilege to attend a Steemit meetup here in Los Angeles.

It was a good night of networking and meeting other Steemians. Some people had only heard about the Steemit platform this week, while others were veterans, including one who attended last year’s SteemFest in Lisbon.

My main goal in attending was to see what I could do to help other Steemians along. If you have been on the platform for more than an hour, you know this can be complicated to figure out, though once you know it, it is not too hard. I was lucky to have some friends who helped me figure out the platform, so I figured this would be a good way to pay it forward and help some others out in my local community.

The event was held at a nice WeWork office in Hollywood. We started off with some mingling and networking, and then had a Steemit overview and SteemitLA community presentation done by @woodrow who was also one of the hosts for the evening. Of course, there were a lot of clarifying questions once the presentation was completed – what does my reputation mean? How do the payouts work? What’s the difference between Steem, SBD and Steem Power? What content is most popular? How do I get followers? – It seems like there are no simple answers, and every question is loaded with a number of rabbit trails you can go down.



Once the presentation and Q&A was completed, there was more time to network with other Steemians. I was able to meet nearly everyone who came, though quite a few were still waiting for their account approvals. I am following quite a few more users now, and I look forward to seeing the content they put out!

This was the second meetup for @steemitla and they are already talking about having the next one in March – you can bet I will try to make that one as well! Thank you again to last night’s hosts and it was great meeting so many of you!



That's awesome man. Glad you got to attend!

Where do you find the time.

pretty cool, did you have to wear a name tag, and if so real name or steemit name?

No name tags... not a bad idea to add usernames on name tags as it is was difficult to meet so many people at once and try and remember both their name and steemit name. My memory is not that good!

Good idea and why I use my blockchain name as my name!

Damn! I am in Temecula, would love to attend something like that down here 😩💰😩

Steemit-wine country?

Temecula is great... have done some wine tasting there! One person was from hemet so some people made the trek. Take care!

I'd make it to that!

This is amazing! I hadn't realized the Steem community had evolved this much. I see no reason why Steem can't be well positioned to capture share from both traditional social media (Facebook, Instagram) and in-person apps (MeetUp or even EventBrite!). Would be a great addition to Steemit infrastructure to be able to plan and coordinate events through the site. Excited to see what's next for all of us

Damn! I'm so annoyed I missed this. I think it was super close to my loft. I didn't see this was happening until it was too late. Looks like a great turnout!

I was looking for you... didn’t know you were so close tho! You would have been king of the room- most steem power!

Looks like great fun! Out of interest, how did you hear about the meetup?

Would love to meet fellow Steemians around London!

Hey friend, I had seen a group created for steemitla and started following it so that is where I learned about it. Hopefully you can find something similar in London!

Thanks Brian, I’ll do some digging,

Maybe a good opportunity for you to visit us Londoners! ;)

Hello, my friend, it really is that the Meetups are a unique experience I had the opportunity to go to one in my city and it was great to meet many people and learn so much

Sounds like a successful event. Glad you got to attend. Looking forward to attending our first meet up come spring. It'll be nice to put faces to accounts.

The issue of numerous rabbit holes is soo common. There are just so many directions to head on steemit. That's one thing I love about the platform, you can use it in so many different ways.

That great @brian.rrr I had the opportunity to go and it was very nice I learned a lot, I met people, we saw very good presentations of groups and you know something? attended more than 100 people to that meetup was very big

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