Looking To Go Full-Time Steemit By Summer!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Looking To Go Full-Time Steemit By Summer!!

You don't have to look very far to see the amazing potential of Steemit.com! A social platform the rewards its users with crypto currencies (STEEM & SBD) for engaging. It's like earning small shares of Facebook stock every time you post, comment, like, or share! It's truly revolutionary and the social media game has been changed forever! 

With all this in mind, and the fact that I've committed to working as a internet marketing consultant, it makes complete sense that I'd combine the two. My problem has been how to integrate Steemit.com into a marketing strategy that makes sense for small and local businesses. Then it hit me! I can use Steemit.com as a blog for these businesses. Then they can share the blog posts across their other social platforms!

One of my main issues committing being a marketing consultant, was the fact that I'd have to market for my clients on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. I'm so over those platforms, that I just couldn't live with myself spending time creating a "Facebook ad" where the market is saturated and the algorithm was recently changed to make it harder for businesses to succeed on Facebook. It's a cold and barren land for 99.99% of the users.

Today, I've decided that I'm only going to offer social media services on Steemit.com. I will consult or coach them on their current strategies with Youtube and Twitter, but I won't be getting involved with Facebook or Instagram or any other old school platforms. 

I will also build sales funnels for the businesses that hire me. I'm not a website builder, I'm a funnel builder. These are two very different types of internet real estate! One says, "here's our info and everything else you can possibly want to know about us." The other say's, "give me your info and we will give you access to this very one-time specific offer! 

With these two things combined (blogging on Steemit & Sales Funnels) I should be able to put together a winning package for my marketing consulting clients! This will allow me to spend much more time focusing on Steemit and the Steem Ecosystem. Currently, I'm an amateur who's just testing this thing out and I see a bright future. I'n not currently making enough to consider this a full-time venture as of today, but with some hard work and dedication, I can see that changing in 2018!


I’m excited for you buddy and I believe in you. I will do everything I can to help make that happen for you. Re-Steemed!

Thanks brother! That means a lot! We’ll grow Steemit together!

I just recently started using the platform just the past few days as it really a refreshing change with how much more positive most interactions are. It’s interesting how people profit motives keeps most of the platform clean of the partisanship and just ugly hate that runs amuck in FB and other platforms. It’s also means people directly invested in the platform itself and as other platforms are forced to censor out hate and troll posts, people will come over to this platform in larger numbers. This all makes an environment that should be more conducive to your type of marketing. Good luck making the switch.

So true! Much more positive vibes here. The incentives are aligned on Steemit in ways like no other place online!

This is great! The concept is awesome and you are going to do great!

How are you related to bret? Hmm, wife? :)

I am really glad that you made it!! Looking forward see every of your posts! :)

Steemit gives you that kind of satisfaction that an entrepreneur has plus a lot more. Every action that you do on this platform just seems right. The fruits may not be so obvious in the beginning but they surely are coming.

Wow that is quite the goal! I hope you achieve it! Ill be watching! Im my mind I would love to do the same but I would like to keep my head out of the clouds. You never know though! :)

Thanks! We’ll see how it goes! Wouldn’t be my first failure! :-) May I ask what you do for a living (main source of income)? Do you have any future plans to go full-time Steemit (blockchain based social media)? What would you need to see to dive in? Thanks for the comment!

I've been self employed for 12 years. I sell consignment designer clothing online.(mainly in a private facebook group that I run) I used to sell primarily on ebay until they changed something and my sales tanked. Honestly when I discovered Steemit a couple weeks ago I had all these grandiose dreams about doing it full time, but Im trying to be more realistic...Im just going to set lower expectations for myself. I have never even written a blog before, lol... I think in order for me to do it full time Id need to see constant growth over the next year and for me to at least have 1000 SP. I think if you have more SP people will follow you because of it. Steemit's success is unfortunately going to depend on whether the entire marketcap of cryptos sees growth. When it goes up people learn about crypto and that naturally leads them here. If Steemit grows exponentially then someone like me does have a movers advantage. I am trying really hard on Steemit so far, though. Gonna give it my best shot ;)

The hard work will pay off for you wether here or somewhere else! I’m terrible at blogging and see myself becoming mainly a curator in the next year or so. I’m more into the investment side of things, but this platform is forcing me to write, which has been a good thing! I also agree that the future success of Steemit will be greatly determined by the crypto market as a whole. STEEM will lag the market as well. It’s actually functional and most the money in crypto is speculative which means they want promise not actual products (for now). But that also means that curation rewards will become some of the first “stable” income for people in crypto. I’m interested in the cash flow and not so much the gains. That’s what attracted me to Steemit! All I can say is I have no idea wether Steemit or crypto will make it, but if it does I’ll be there!

I really dont know much about curation, I am going to have to look into that one! I know it has to do with the amount of Steem power you have, and since I barely have any its gonna be a long til I earn from it,lol! Awesome hearing your enthusiasm , keep it up!

steemit is best community today i see
and that will grow up in next and would be a great ever community

Looking good! Nice post!

Good luck with your goal. Steemit is amazing but also really addicting but compared to facebook where I was only wasting my time without getting anything valuable in return, it's obviously a much better choice.

I'm sad that I did not find about steemit earlier but like the saying goes, better late then never.

For sure! I’m looking forward to a year from now when we all look like early adopters with amazing foresight! Lol

Ha. That would be really awesome.

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