Slogan Poll

in #steemit7 years ago



As general users, we can do a lot to help market Steemit and the Steem blockchain independently from Steemit headquarters and in our own way. That said, to be effective, some amount of uniformity is needed.

I think creating a visibility campaign that makes use of quality images paired with the right slogans will go a long way in spreading the name of Steemit to the general public and, by doing so, will bring in new users.

Last week I published a post about new slogan ideas. I received a lot of great suggestions. Now, I am asking you to vote on your favorites. There are 26 to choose from.

Please write the letter of your favorite slogans in the comments below. Feel free to vote for more than one.

I will compile your votes and report back to you the five most popular slogans.

I will then pair these slogans with pictures and post them in a new Steemit chat channel for everyone to use as they wish.

It is my hope that we can make coordinated social media postings and spread the word about Steemit together, as a community.

For now, though, I am asking you to vote on the following slogans. Please encourage others to vote as well.

Many thanks!!!

Note: For those who think slogans are unnecessary, please vote No Slogans.

A: The site that rewards you for doing what you do.

B: Join the community. Get the rewards. (Reap the rewards.) (Enjoy the rewards.)

C: Do what you do and get rewards. / Do what you do and be rewarded.

D: Get paid to be you.

E: It pays to be you.

F: Invest in your story.

G: Rewards!

H: Create, Curate, Reward, Participate

I: Invest your time wisely.

J: Steemit – Where your time is worth something.

K: We invest in your story.

L: An audience awaits you. (Your audience is waiting.)

M: Your story matters. (Your story matters. Your audience is waiting.)

N: Get connected. Get paid.

O: Make connections that reward you.

P: A place of creation, curation, rewards, and community.

Q: Find your niche.

R: Net with benefits.

S: Cast your net. (Cast your vote.)

T: The shape of things to come.

U: And the reward goes to …

V: The Internet is queen. Steemit is king!

W: Creating valuable content pays.

X: Fall in love with the web all over again!

Y: Capture attention. Reap the rewards.

Z: What is good? What is great? You be the judge.


Live it, dream it, steemit

Thanks @da-dawn. Your suggestion is now part of the poll. Did you like any of the ones listed in this post? If so, please write the letter(s) of the slogan you liked in another comment. Thanks!

I guess I like O the best.

Thank you for participating. Do you think you can persuade anyone else to vote? I really want to hear from as many people as possible. Thanks!

Oh I really like this one too. It's catchy.

Come for the community, stay for the money! :)

If you participate in the community you will be taken care of. Or something like that, right? Definitely some truth there. Do you like any from A to Z?

Good idea. I didn't vote for any because they are focused on money and rewards. The fact that we are getting paid is just a side effect. Steemit is revolutionary technology in so many other ways. I thing those slogans don't represent that.
It's a hard task indeed.

Do you have any suggestions that would represent the technology aspect? Also, do you think that the technology aspect is more associated with Steem rather than the Steemit and that the slogans I've gathered so far might be suitable for the social media platform that Steemit is?

There are definitely many areas to market and niches to appeal to. I don't think we'll be able to pin down one slogan to speak for everything that is here.

  1. H: Create, Curate, Reward, Participate
  2. Combo of B & C:
    Do what you do. Reap the rewards.
  3. T: The shape of things to come

Thanks. If you can persuade anyone else to vote, that would be really helpful. I'm hoping to hear from as many users as possible.

I'll pass the word!

Thanks! I appreciate it.

E, R and what @da-dawn wrote.

Just use for the poll !

Will do. Thank you. It isn't always easy to find things around here.

Any favorite slogans?

Free Speech can Pay!

My version: "Narrate, like never before."

That's great! I like that one a lot!

I remember saying "Steemit like you mean it" at some point, but guess that's more of an internal slogan.

I'll add it to the list.

How about this one. "Add Value, Get Rewarded"?

Sure. Let's add it to this poll. Did you like any of the other 26 slogans in this post? If so, please write the letter(s) of the slogan(s) you liked in another comment. Thanks!!!

Thanks for voting. Do you think you can persuade a few other people to vote? I want to reach as many users as possible.


Much appreciated! Thank you!

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