in #steemit6 years ago

Hi guys!

Here is the second part of the previous post about the 3 gem points for your success.

Today I am ready to unfold what the second part holds which is the second gem point for your success.



This is the second gem point for your success.Will here we mean commitment, as I said on the first post , two words to mark ,"have and care", you need to have and care about your commitment on putting your idea (first gem point) to work.
Most of us have got many ideas but putting them to work requires our full commitments or else we fail our dreams.
Thing to understand, if you are committed towards your dream, you will impress others to help you out but if you are not , it is very diffucult to achieve almost anything.

Will is not done just by saying you are committed or promise to be, it is done by getting deeply involved and enganged on day in day out activities till your idea is set on the right track of your life.


What to do

Sit alone or with your team to make the will.You need to think broadly and strategically. Very important thing is to do it honestly and don't bother about the big start rather than the right start.

Here is the simplified way to understand what Will is about as young start up.

  • Your strength.

This is about collecting your capital, other facilities, your reach ,your team,your potential customers or investors to start with.

  • Your road plan

Here you need to write down clearly step by step to start your activities and reaching your targets to work out your idea.One thing to remember that you may have to adjust your plan time to time during this period according to any obstacles you may face. Dont keep it too rigid it may pull you back or fail you completely.
Good plan is your bridge to success

  • The Go

This is the hard step but very crucial.You are about to make your idea practically stand and work out .
You have to pass through your strugle,perseverance ,risk taking, facing your fear, any practical envolvement, and working hard. You must believe in yourself.

Also you got handle your capital and budget wisely.During this period even bigger budget will not ensure success if carelessly spent.

You have to pass through all that on your way to success, stop easy quiting habit, you life success is not easy thing to get, if was easy we could all have same status .

Now , I am sure you got the picture about the the Will/commitments required to have and care for you success.
That is the second gem point for your success, you can ask yourself before you start your journey ,are you ready for that? Or if have started your Will, are you doing it right?


They say

"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it."

-Mack R. Douglas

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives."

-Jim Rohn

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination."

-Fitzhugh Dodson

"A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop."

-Robert Hughes

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans."

-Peter F. Drucker

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between."

-Pat Riley


If you have any question so far, please drop it as a comment.I will be happy to make it clear to you.

There is the third and the last gem point you must understand for your success. I will explain it on the next post tomorrow.

Thank you for reading!

Untill next time , I wish you all the best!!

By: @bornprince

all image source:


Hello keep pressin on, love the part don't worry about a big start just start :)Have a great day

Thank you very much for the wonderful comment! It is great honor you could visit here and I am glad you like it.!

Great advice Prince!

Thank you for the comment!
Great to see you here!

You just received a 5.09% upvote from @honestbot, courtesy of @bornprince!

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