Ibinex's Global Cryptocurrency Market Report: The Key Takeaways

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

When we hear cryptocurrency and blockchain technology discussed in different circles these days, it’s hard to argue that it will not have a profound impact on society as we know it.  

But although cryptocurrency is still viewed as a complex volatile world best left to those in the tech culture to grapple with, the space has seen broader interest take place worldwide with more and more people expressing strong intrigue with digital currency transactions and blockchain implementation. 

Once we as a society can start to conquer some of the fundamental issues and fears currently holding this technology back, we will begin to achieve mass-adoption. Amongst the stumbling blocks still presently preventing mainstream adoption are: 

  • Applications and Software
  • Legalities, DarkNet and Public Reputation
  • Security of assets
  • Price Volatility
  • Use-case scenarios

Moreover, the majority of people still do not understand core concepts of cryptocurrency, and that’s what this report aims to tackle. 

A top mission of Ibinex, a crypto to crypto exchange development group headquartered in Tel Aviv, is to bridge the knowledge gap between those who understand cryptocurrency and those who do not. The Global Cryptocurrency Report, recently released by Ibinex, is designed to further promote the understanding of cryptocurrency and to deliver knowledge of the benefits of blockchain technology to both industry professionals and the mainstream masses. 

The report starts off by giving readers a brief summary of bitcoin and cryptocurrency including basic definitions and quick facts followed by a more detailed description and explanation of coin categories existing beyond Bitcoin, namely Altcoin and Tokens. 

This is followed by a more complete look at the numbers of market capitalization and growth of leading cryptocurrencies as well as a summary of transactions within the crypto space from 2013 to 2018. 

One of the more enlightening aspects of the report is the section covering cryptocurrency exchanges, more specifically the types of exchanges that currently exist, what the leading exchanges are as of 2018 and an overview of cryptocurrency exchanges around the world. 

The Ibinex report also takes an in-depth look at mining, a key component of cryptocurrency and an aspect of the space often misunderstood. Readers can better comprehend the concept of mining, where the largest mining pools exist, and what the costs of mining per state are in the United States. 

Perhaps one of the most important sections of the report is the aspect of regulation and governmental compliance procedures within various jurisdictions internationally. Understanding the laws behind cryptocurrency regulation and how this affects exchanges worldwide is a key path to more thoroughly understanding cryptocurrency and its future adoption. 

While cryptocurrency is still misunderstood and prone to myths and misconceptions, it’s the hope of Ibinex and other crypto educational resources that as more people begin to understand its pitfalls and potential they will also come to realize it can offer real advantages in a number of different industries including ones oriented toward social responsibility. 

The goal of the Ibinex Global Cryptocurrency Report is to begin to clear up some of the current confusion so that more people will feel comfortable with their knowledge of cryptocurrency and as a result be better equipped to enter into the cryptocurrency industry with open eyes and a more informed orientation. 

You can access the full report here.

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