1000 Followers NOT celebrated because there are too many zombies on Steemit nowadays.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I just reached my 1000 Followers since I joined this awesome network Steemit in February this year.

This should be celebrated, but actually I do not feel like celebrating this stupid number of followers at all.

It has been roughly about half a year, but Steemit has chnaged drastically since the beginning of this awesome crypto & blockchain year 2017. In the beginning everyone was really writing interesitng stuff and the spirit was pure and at the same time rewarding towards a goal of individual freedom ....not only financially, but spiritually, technologically, etc.

Today I have around 20 true followers and about the same amount of people who I regualarly check out and they amaze me over and over again.

Are we heading towards an epidemic of useless content and nonsense comments, no really discussions???

I am not sure. I still believe Steemit is a great experiment and hope for it to thrive and keep its purity at the same time...

Anyways to all zombie followers:


Any stupid comments

I will be celebrating when I go back to 100 Followers, who I know are true at least and have their own brains.

To the true and cool Steemians a big shoutout, I believe you know who you are ;)

Anyone posting crap like: great post/ follow me back will not be feed with any rewards, but flagged!

stop following me @blocklab => Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 21.13.32.png


Of course not every follower is the same quality, but I think most people with a high number of followers only have a few active supporters. I think you should be proud of having 1000 (or 1022 and counting) followers imho:)
Also, this problem with nice post/ follow me back epidemic is probably due to the fact that there are loads of stupid people on Steemit as everywhere else in society. Maybe we should have the option to unfriend a follower? I guess that will solve the problem:)

Well said @blocklab, zombies is what started turning me off Google Plus and that is even with Google's very aggressive efforts to stamp them out which is a never ending exercise of whack a mole.

do you have any ideas how to keep Steemit clean of this disease, besides not feeding and flagging them?

I'd go with trust networks or accumulated trust scores on accounts, not just individual posts. So that if someone you trust down votes their posts then you'll probably never see them again. Zombies can create other zombies and trust each other but they'll have find real live accounts that are someone we also trust to avoid been hidden.

There are assumes against use of trust like it creates echo chambers so you never see dissenting opinions, but personally I'm not hear to listen to zombies (and Nazis).

So me asking you to follow me would be a bad idea???

What if i promise not to follow you in return?
Sorry about that, couldnt help myself...
i just do not understand what the people that ask follow for follow expect to achieve...
The only time i ask for a follow is at the end of a post ( and only if you liked it) because otherwise it just doesnt make sense.
Inactive followers do not bring you anything but i think a lot of peeps only realise to late

Good luck with your zombie campaign

Your comment is really on the point @blocklab ,
1000 Follower and most of them are up and away in the air (or to Zombieland, or to 'btw-follow-me-land' )
Doesn't really matter, at least the truth will win.

To be honest I'm nearing 1000 followers but I don't even think that I have any true followers that comment and engage with my comment. Maybe 10-20 people maximum which is ridiculous.
Well happy '1000' followers @blocklab and it is great to see the progress you have made

Yes, that is the same situation as mine. I am still amazed how well you manage to follow everything that I am doing. You are 1 of my 10 true Steemit friends <3

but i think steemit is a brilliant platfarm here many great person who share the knowledge with steemians about crypto and some other fields and cases and i also accept it i get many of knowldge from this but some foolish and bad beahviour person i see who only make fool people and some time give us many pain with bad attitude without any reason i hope we get some good and most good person in our daily feedback to share and get many new things i also like this platfarm and sure it will give me more @blocklab

its sad but true, it may kill steemit
most of it because new stemitians cant get enough earning to keep them motivated, to earn more you need whales and they only vote crypto most atleast 90 percent of them

Maybe the fault is in the system itself, maybe not. I am not sure how to fix this either. I only know it is less motivating and rewarding in several ways besides the monetary aspects than 6 month ago here :(

Now I'm afraid to even comment :)
But I agree with you. What happens is that most posts get more votes than the views. I mean why would you vote for a content if you don't read it. I think the mechanics should be changed. Those voting and not actually opening the post should be auto flagged by a whale.

no worries. I am only flagging people if they make totally random comments that have no realtion to the context of the post itself. your comment is more than welcome =)

whales and bots are really topics that cut both ways...

man müsste eine einstellung einbauen die zwischen freunden(freundschaftsanfrage muss akzeptiert werden) ala facebookfreunden und followern unterscheidet.
Die frage ist ob ein privates profil auf steemit überhaipt möglich wäre da ja alles aufgezeichnet und in der blockchain gespeichert wird.

Ja in die Richtung sollte man auf jeden Fall überlegen. bin ich aber auch überfragt...

I think that steemit will be the first social network in the world because it has the potential to be, it is a new concept different in the world in the social networks, it is time to invest a deep money And time..
i agree with you , people dont read posts and the quality of posts is not like the past , but we love steemit , its a great community we should take the postif part..

I also have about 700 followers, and read a maximum of 20 posts, of which about 5 people comment. And where all the rest - I'm afraid to even assume. :)

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