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RE: YAY ANARCHY TAG - 12 out of 15 Trending Posts @adamkokesh! PEOPLE MUST LOVE FREEDOM!
Why can't he steemit as he sees fit with his investment and others investments in him? You sound like a jealous hater.
Because it's a Social Network, a Forum, it begets interaction, growth, conversation, and ultimately understanding, and on top of that 25% of the vote goes back to you. Why can't he be a greedy masturbatory asshole in the corner of the community making inane statements from a standpoint of "no rulers" without someone BEING jelous of his greedy abusive worhtless ideals and zilch contribution to the community with the responsibility of jerking himself off in front of all of us? Do we have to be jealous when we call out bullshit? Am I jealous that you stand up for that grimy despicable voturbation without regard for abuse under the guise of their choice as if choice carries no consequence or is free of responsibility and decency? I must be jealous.
He can! That's the beauty of it! Did I say he can't? What are you missing here, Blaine?
STFU you jealous hater.
You can mute him or bitch, I see your choice.
Yes, that's right! I can! Isn't the free market and free speech beautiful? ;)
Calling bitch ass shit out is called bitching you idiot?
I just checked out your steemit profile, you aren't worth any more of my time, I did get a kick out of your wallet and steem power though. You are killing it here, keep up the good work!
This certainly is not productive. Please stop commenting here.
Yeah, I am sure that my wallet and steem power said it all, or you could simply be a jealous hater.
Still laughing.
Are you?
Lol. He can do whatever he wants. I don't condone any systematic regulation to stop his behavior.
Why can't I state my market preference as I see fit??
No need to make this personal, @blaineb.
I hate abuse, and I hate illogical nonsense, make no mistake, I hate people like you.
Sorry to here that, @baah. Especially as I don't even know you personally. That's pretty sad. This is the type of response I have gotten from most Kokesh supporters so far, though.
Much respect.
You're a jealous hater.
You are not the arbiter of what is abuse, nobody is. Carry on with your hate, enjoy the cancer it brings.
Hating what is fake and false and what is wrong and impotent is no disease. Standing up for what is fake, false and wrong is. That's why your logic is "he can do whatever he wants, you're jealous". Because even animals recognize what is Fair and what is not.
In case you didn't realize, we all are the Arbiters of what is abuse. Don't forget to curate your content.
Of Course, you would upvote your own comment if only everyone was the shining example of a shellfish you are, then we could have some real content evaluation and curation
Upvoting yourself is what all whales advised minnows to do when I got here 8 months ago until they get the vote slider, are you trying to tell me different? Not that your opinion carries any value.
Thank god you think for yourself, not that you don't choke on a whalecock. Is that why you standing up for kokesh voturbation? Us Voturbators must stand together #idiots.
@baah, looks like I totally misunderstood who you were talking to. Sorry. I think I actually agree with you. The comment thread escalated quickly. Please forgive the misunderstanding.