These symptoms should be noted that you may have been suffering from diabetes

in #steemit7 years ago


Type 2 diabetes, is a chronic metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes symptoms are often not very obvious or only part of the performance. For the diagnosis of diabetes, in addition to blood tests, the early diabetes will have several major symptoms, we should be aware of, in order to achieve early detection, early treatment purposes.

Eye fatigue, vision loss

Eyes easy to fatigue, sharp decline in vision. Diabetes can cause visual impairment, retinal hemorrhage, cataracts, vision disorders and other diseases. So when the eyes feel tired, can not see things, stand up when the eyes black, eyelid sagging, narrowing horizon, to see things such as blurred and other symptoms, should be timely medical examination.

Hunger, eat but lose weight

Because the body of sugar will be excreted as urine sugar, resulting in the absorption of less heat to maintain the basic needs of the body, so often feel abnormal hunger, although the appetite is still growing hunger, and usually do not eat sweets, Also began to choose to eat a lot of sweets, these abnormal symptoms are often a precursor to diabetes, need to go to the hospital in time. In addition, for middle-aged people, once found that weight loss soon, should also consider whether to get diabetes.

Hands and feet paralysis, trembling

Diabetic patients will have stubborn hands and feet paralysis, trembling hands and feet, finger activity is not working and pain, severe nerve inflammatory foot pain, lower limb paralysis, low back pain, do not want to walk, night calf cramps, eye movement nerve palsy, attention and eyes As clear, as well as autonomic disorders and other symptoms, once found to go to the hospital, should not be delayed.

Fatigue, high blood pressure, white urine

Diabetes can make people easy to fatigue, body fatigue, weakness. Not engaged in labor or sports, the body is often without reason to feel exhausted, especially in the up and down the stairs. After a long cold boils or high blood pressure, white urine and sweet and sour smell, this time to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Thirsty, polyuria

Thirst and polyuria symptoms. The amount of drinking water often increased, and the number and weight of urination also increased, which is the most convenient way to find diabetes. Especially in sleep because of extreme thirst and wake up to drink the symptoms, often indicating that the condition may have deteriorated.


I have it. In May 30 of this year my blood sugar rose to 429. My doctor increased my metformin dose from twice to three times a day. For the next two weeks I made walking exercise every morning ( cannot do jogging I am 65) and strict diet no carbo. In two weeks my blood sugar went down to 63.

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