I got hacked !!!

in #steemit7 years ago

My account on Minergate got hacked

They kept trying from different countries , from different servers

Till they finally succeeded to get in Turn on 2FA .. wiped my account ... Turn off 2FA

My noob mistake was not to enable 2FA on this earlier. Please guys, make sure you use 2FA


Thanks for the heads up just turned 2fa on! I had some monero taken from my account a while back.

@@ -171,8 +171,121 @@
+%0A%0Ahey but its ok it wasnt that much right???%0A%0Ayou will make it back from this posyt and your other steemit posts!
also I will send you some bytecoinfrom my minrgate just ask me later

WTF i edut and my txt goes crazy?!?!

yea @ackza what on earth happened to your text. Lost about 0.035 precious XMR hehe .. lucky its only XMR and not BTC.

oh youre fine thenbut stiill scarey...probly cuz u didnt have 2fa email confirmation right ? or now u have both email conrirmationand the 2fa code generator right?

and yeah i dunno i looked it up its lke it turned my text into GPS coordinates, its because maybe I type so fast and my keybaord is kinda brokenthe five doesnt work which is , if you notcei, why i always have to type the word five out ill be talkinga bout stuff like yeah 1 2 3 4 five six 7 8 9 ten yeah both five and six dontw ork, sometimes they do , sometiems they dont, itsreally wierd, i can press down super hard onthe five and six kkeys and nothing, but sometimes theyll work, in some programs, whatever, see i only trust exchanges like poloneix or service sliek coinbse to keep my bitcoins safe from hackers as i cant trust my old laptops and stuff, i trust my iphone tho noones getting into that, but still, by letttin poloniex hold my coins or coinbse, i am not risking as much as holding yself, an when i actualy have a lot of course ill have like half in pysical keys and paper wallets mayeb half on excanges i dunno maybe ill keep 80 percent with myself in cold wallet or trezzor etc and 20 peret ine xcanges to be liquid to buy new coins to spend onnew features ad upgardes to steemit and otehr crypto currencies an my crypto bussiinesses i am good at delegating work i just need the money to hire soem good people to work for me and ill have an amazig company with all sorts of prducts and servcies ..fiist thing is oi need someone to correct all my typoes for me and go through edit all my comments and posts and correct all my typos 9i make so many typoes even google just offered to corect them, im serius i just got a otification today from google in a strange chrome winow ive never seenthat said like "Google can auto correct alotof your typos using teh same correction system we use in our google search results" and i was liek WOW i must make so any typoes that even google has taken notice...fuck lol i love this planet right now...EVERYONE at the Harbor Colective dispnesary was ABUUZZ about makin money and not even with crypto! aparently EVERYONE is making mony or lookng u ways to make money and with Bitcointhe online paykent processors have had to LOWER oprices and make it so that peopleare abe to easily send cash acors the internet cheaper and faster than ever, anyone canopen an etsy store, women all over the world look at these top etsy sales people who make millions on etsy and they see them as heros, and its awesome, everyone can open up aonline sore...i just am happy to see everyone thriving.....men will find their way...crypto will be mens salvation...women are naturally talented at networking and i remmeber in jr high seeing all the boys playing online games (inthe late 90s) on the old Macs with internet ...these were the jesus dance days...so cool they had us all using teh internet back then...i remmeber tho the girls were all using email and internet chat rooms, talking to each other....and now women are addicted to facebpok instagram at a rate that far exceeds men and the hot women use instagram to monetize their bodies but many girls oninstsgram ust get followers and likes but dont amke any money a d have their vviews and monetization stolen by a few "Modelz Gram" type accounts who end up making all the mon..while steemit will alow womento post NSFW or even non NSFW pphotos of themselves like they ALREADY DO on instagram but with a MASSIVY huge payout WITHOUT having ANYONE take a cut (except the curators!)

and the STeemit Staff by making this decetralziedd have mad emor emoney from basicly the steempower they have than anyoen could have y lleaving this private!

haha ... bro .. strangely enough I actually understood what you just replied which makes absolutely no sense but hey ... upvote for u !

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