Payout Stats Report for 9th October 2017 – Part II

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to the latest Payout Stats Report.

In this report, the Payout statistics are split by user level (from dust to legend).

There are 7 account types on Steemit and they differ depending on the level of mega vests they possess (which depends on the amount of Steem Power they hold). In this report we recognise the most popular posts by user type.

The seven user types are:

  • dust (0 to 0.01 mega vests)

  • newbie (.01 to .1 mega vests)

  • user (.1 to 1 mega vests)

  • superuser (1 to 10 mega vests)

  • hero (10 to 100 mega vests)

  • superhero (100 to 1000 mega vests)

  • legend (greater than 1000 mega vests)

The report uses pending payout data on all posts published in the last 12 hours, although we have allowed at least 3 hours for votes to build up on every post analysed. Posts published in the last 3 hours are therefore excluded, however, they will be included in the next report (published this time tomorrow)

Under each category, I provide the following stats:

  • Top 10 highest paid posts for an author
  • Payout distribution for that category
  • Share of total rewards from category

Dust Accounts

Dust users have a Steem Power balance of between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Dust Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@michellerowton2017-10-09link22.30October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month. A story for each day of the month. Installments 1 through 7.
@elianasgarden2017-10-09link18.79Fried Wild Oyster Mushrooms (gluten free)
@artbunny2017-10-09link16.14Hi everyone - I am ArtBunny :)
@sosoo2017-10-09link15.67Come to make cartoon bread with SOSO! 跟蘇蘇一起製作卡通麵包!
@stefan.molyneux2017-10-08link13.90THE PRICE OF SEX
@kryptono0b2017-10-09link10.32kryptono0b intro post
@naymlovska2017-10-09link9.44Туфли на каблуке - залог романтичного свидания
@sandoyan2017-10-08link8.83NICE WORDS
@erlendgroseth2017-10-09link7.78Introduce myself: Hi Steemit! Erlend from Norway.

Payout distribution for Dust users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Dust user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 2977. The overall mean payout was 0.10.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to Dust users accounted for 3.02% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 312.29. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

Newbie Accounts

Newbie users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Newbie Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@monitorcap2017-10-09link43.01[-10/9/2017-] NEW report listing for 'persian' category, sorted by current payout algorithm
@vipclub2017-10-09link29.24Introducing Chen Si Qi from China
@ryoplasmic2017-10-09link17.17加密幣,股票 與Steemit
@steemitcomics2017-10-09link12.66The Alliance - A Thousand Words: The General
@sammarkjames2017-10-08link10.94SpainAnyone living in Barcelona or Spain generally?
@e-bass2017-10-08link10.07Your Destiny Is A Product Of Choice Not Chance
@kellyskardsfl2017-10-09link9.15Adorable Playful Otter Card
@sburton2017-10-09link8.18Is this logic?
@ankitchoudhary2017-10-09link7.62Book profit on my Ethereum call. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy
@pastablizzard2017-10-09link7.41Where do you see the future of Crypto and Steem?

Payout distribution for Newbie users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Newbie user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1127. The overall mean payout was 0.40.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Newbie accounts

Payments made to Newbie users accounted for 4.37% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 451.18. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

User Accounts

User users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.1 and 1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for User Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@authorofthings2017-10-09link74.60Rhino Rules Contest #2: Animal Stories - Wind's Rainbow
@zest2017-10-09link63.89The Middle Stone Age of South Africa: Symbolism
@mattphilleo2017-10-09link55.71How I Painted a Portrait of an Older Couple, Step-by Step
@kanixlam2017-10-09link48.46親手造玻璃瓶保鮮花 (*´∀`)~超好玩!!來跟Kanix一起扮文青吧
@eurogee2017-10-09link37.45Can Adult Stem Cells Be Used To Help Us Stay Stronger As We Age?
@rcarter.witness2017-10-09link34.94Steem, trading at a sharp discount. The value of reinvesting in yourself.
@cryptokrieg2017-10-09link33.84Heroes of the Storm Game Review - Does it stand out in a sea of MOBA's? Yes!
@mes2017-10-08link24.36Parametric Calculus: Surface Area Part 1
@agsttne2017-10-09link22.38If You Don’t Know What to Write About, Do Something Instead

Payout distribution for User users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the User user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1013. The overall mean payout was 1.60.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to User users accounted for 15.64% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 1616.78. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

Superuser Accounts

Superuser users have a Steem Power balance of between 1 and 10 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superuser Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@roxane2017-10-09link135.06Le White Paper Steem (enfin) en français !
@sgtreport2017-10-09link127.69PAUL JOSEPH WATSON & THE LONE GUNMAN LIE
@amylee2017-10-09link125.90我们来了之美国游记 Part 27--强烈推荐美加连锁Red Lobster。
@adamkokesh2017-10-09link89.56Does America need a government to be united?
@boxmining2017-10-09link87.09[dtube] Daily- Upcoming Ethereum Byzantium Hardfork / Digital Gold
@stacee2017-10-09link79.84涠洲岛游记一:涠洲岛旅游值得去吗? Weizhou Island Travel Blog Part 1: Is It Worth to Go?
@ejemai2017-10-09link65.86Quote of the Day!- Teamwork
@ocd2017-10-09link65.33OCD International Daily: Issue #11
@velimir2017-10-09link53.78Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #81 'The Rose'
@steemdice12017-10-08link53.19SteemDice daily report 08/10/2017

Payout distribution for Superuser users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superuser user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 578. The overall mean payout was 5.74.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superuser accounts

Payments made to Superuser users accounted for 32.08% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 3315.57. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

Hero Accounts

Hero users have a Steem Power balance of between 10 and 100 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Hero Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@nicolemoker2017-10-09link190.48( $300 SBD ) The Hallosteem Contest 2017 #1
@kingscrown2017-10-09link167.06Munchee Decentralized Food Review Social Platform ICO Incoming!
@mrviquez2017-10-09link111.39Using my BitPay card to pay off some bills. All funded with SBD I earned here on Steemit. Steem Power is real check it out!!!!
@sportspodium2017-10-09link105.13What are the most followed sports new-design: Call for Private Beta testers!
@kingscrown2017-10-09link104.07All coins dumping.. How to Recognized Future Gainers?
@zer0hedge2017-10-09link93.74The Dark Web's Largest Pedophile Site Was Secretly Run By The Police For A Year
@joythewanderer2017-10-09link82.69Bruges fairytale-like Canals on an Autumn's day 秋天的布鲁日水道
@buzzbeergeek2017-10-09link66.28Crypto Hiking Adventure - MyPictureDay Submission
@cervantes2017-10-09link64.52Post votados por el equipo @cervantes: 07.10.2017, 21:53 hr / 08.10.2017, 23:00 hr

Payout distribution for Hero users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Hero user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 199. The overall mean payout was 15.76.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Hero accounts

Payments made to Hero users accounted for 30.34% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 3135.76. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

Superhero and Legend Accounts

Superhero users have a Steem Power balance of between 100 and 1000 Mega Vests. Legend users have a Steem Power balance of greater than 1000 Mega Vests.

Superhero and Legend accounts have been combined as the data is too sparse in the Legend category on its own for credible statistical analysis.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superhero and Legend Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@sweetsssj2017-10-09link433.75Travel with me #90 : Inside the Kale - Kaleiçi, Antalya!
@jerrybanfield2017-10-09link121.04Backup Steem Posts in Airtable! #13
@oldstone2017-10-09link106.20(올드스톤의 횡설수설) 여유와 무료함의 사이에서, 열흘 넘는 긴긴 연휴를 보내며
@craig-grant2017-10-09link85.67Shaving bitcoin off the top for STEEM
@exyle2017-10-09link72.89A perfect Sunday. Five hours of Blade Runner and a cheat day with pizza.
@leesunmoo2017-10-09link71.67스팀잇 kr-market 에 단품 상품 운영자가 나타나길 기대해 봅니다.
@stellabelle2017-10-09link63.72Some Minnows Are Born With Whale Hearts, How Should You Treat Them?
@oldtimer2017-10-09link54.31Beautiful Alberta, Canada
@leesunmoo2017-10-09link54.19[kr-steemloan]77차(2017년10월09일) steemloan 서비스(마이너스 10% 금리 적용)
@leesunmoo2017-10-09link49.60[kr-market]룰변경 안내 및 백산수(0.5리터*40병)16.2스팀달러

Payout distribution for Superhero and Legend users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superhero and Legend user categories.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 28. The overall mean payout was 49.17.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superhero and Legend accounts

Payments made to Superhero and Legend users accounted for 13.32% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 1376.80. The total across all user categories was 10334.55.

The next report will be available in 12 hours

Thank you for reading.

The data was sourced from

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 56905.43
ETH 2398.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.26