Payout Stats Report for 8th November 2017 – Part II

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to the latest Payout Stats Report.

In this report, the Payout statistics are split by user level (from dust to legend).

There are 7 account types on Steemit and they differ depending on the level of mega vests they possess (which depends on the amount of Steem Power they hold). In this report we recognise the most popular posts by user type.

The seven user types are:

  • dust (0 to 0.01 mega vests)

  • newbie (.01 to .1 mega vests)

  • user (.1 to 1 mega vests)

  • superuser (1 to 10 mega vests)

  • hero (10 to 100 mega vests)

  • superhero (100 to 1000 mega vests)

  • legend (greater than 1000 mega vests)

The report uses pending payout data on all posts published in the last 12 hours, although we have allowed at least 3 hours for votes to build up on every post analysed. Posts published in the last 3 hours are therefore excluded, however, they will be included in the next report (published this time tomorrow)

Under each category, I provide the following stats:

  • Top 10 highest paid posts for an author
  • Payout distribution for that category
  • Share of total rewards from category

Dust Accounts

Dust users have a Steem Power balance of between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Dust Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@finkenchris2017-11-08link75.90STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 58: Nirvana "Something in the way" covered by @senzenfrenz and @finkenchris
@edzynda2017-11-08link69.39Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
@grownfolksgaming2017-11-07link60.12Xbox One X Unboxing - A Quick Look At What To Expect From The Xbox One X
@scottdphoto2017-11-07link39.40Quick Hit - Spire a the world
@geebell2017-11-07link20.27Gridcoin Community Classroom #001 - How it went!
@marduk-game2017-11-08link14.27MARDUK CHRONICLES - a Steemit born futuristic sci-fi CARD GAME
@sammyb2017-11-08link10.70How to Hire Fake Friends and Family
@sammyb2017-11-08link10.53From death's door to playing with dolls: Miracle recovery of little Zuhoor - six months after she had four fingers amputated following Yemen airstrike.
@ysabellagf2017-11-08link9.13#Trialbycomics "MECHA" Entry #2 for the contest / #Trialbycomics“MECHA”參賽作品#2
@tradingideas2017-11-08link7.93스팀 구매 예정

Payout distribution for Dust users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Dust user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 2064. The overall mean payout was 0.24.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to Dust users accounted for 5.48% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 500.44. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

Newbie Accounts

Newbie users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Newbie Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@evelynbelle2017-11-08link68.63What Makes An Electric Eel.... Electric?
@dpatcher2017-11-08link55.78In the Mood for Fun 🏂 Original Sound Track 🎹
@hmt2017-11-07link55.66Kings, Geezers and Bloody War Chapter 2
@aboutcoolscience2017-11-08link35.47EPA just approved the release of killer mosquitoes in 20 US States
@scishow2017-11-07link21.49[ SciShow Youtube ] Why Is There an Opioid Crisis?
@walden2017-11-08link16.36Arbitraje: Emigrar a Venezuela Como Decisión Táctica Económica
@udibekwe2017-11-08link15.33BITCOIN made History again at Spanish Resort Town of Ibiza
@trustfarm2017-11-08link13.01패리티 멀티시그 해킹 문제. 코더가 문제가 아니라 최근 개발회사.ICO 회사들의 문제이다.
@martaesperanza2017-11-08link11.19First BOUDOIR Photo Shoot! In a magical Hotel !
@syndicates2017-11-08link9.94Syndicates' Memos 110717

Payout distribution for Newbie users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Newbie user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1995. The overall mean payout was 0.29.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Newbie accounts

Payments made to Newbie users accounted for 6.29% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 574.43. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

User Accounts

User users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.1 and 1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for User Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@carloserp-20002017-11-08link66.27Learn more about the characterization of materials, "Scanning electron microscopy" technique used for semiconductor compounds
@derekrichardson2017-11-08link52.16Acoustic Jam Session #1
@i-juggler2017-11-08link51.79Trapped in a Cave: Echoes of a Man Trying to Free Himself
@celestinel2017-11-07link29.06Night Elf Demon Hunter - WoW LegionOriginal Painting
@whd2017-11-07link28.63[tst]Game theory - When math help in everyday problems
@perceptualflaws2017-11-08link28.48Ancient Time Cycles On The Edge Of Tomorrow
@chaifm2017-11-08link28.14Steemit Open Mic Week 58 - Moon riverAcoustic cover
@lucybanks2017-11-08link28.02Steemit Open Mic Week 58 - Weights and Measures - Dry The River (covered by lucybanks)
@ienrikex2017-11-08link24.82Will the "Mighty Cross" save you?
@traf2017-11-08link20.98Feeding Toddlers

Payout distribution for User users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the User user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 2009. The overall mean payout was 0.70.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to User users accounted for 15.40% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 1407.39. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

Superuser Accounts

Superuser users have a Steem Power balance of between 1 and 10 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superuser Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@zest2017-11-08link85.94The Later Stone Age of South Africa : Hunter-gatherers' way of life - Archaeological Evidence
@mcfarhat2017-11-08link67.36The Coriolis Effect and how it Affects Objects
@highimpactflix2017-11-08link60.87Promoting Steemit and Dtube to 450,000 People at Once. Let's Give YouTube a Run For It's Money!!
@xxsenpaixsamaxx2017-11-08link58.18Poem / An old friend
@steempowerpics2017-11-08link50.96💖Will BOINC for Money!
@uniwhisp2017-11-08link47.83Scotch, Song, & Soul - I Could Write
@prime-cleric2017-11-08link47.67Celebrating 20th Wedding Anniversary
@extremeromance2017-11-08link44.84Extreme Romance in Morocco. Campfire in the Valley.
@stenx2017-11-07link40.42[SMTs] Global token fund raising / 토큰 펀드 레이징

Payout distribution for Superuser users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superuser user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 799. The overall mean payout was 3.27.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superuser accounts

Payments made to Superuser users accounted for 28.61% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2614.64. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

Hero Accounts

Hero users have a Steem Power balance of between 10 and 100 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Hero Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@kingscrown2017-11-08link166.69FundRequest ICO - Decentralized Marketplace for Open Source Collaboration
@timsaid2017-11-08link153.70TimTravels - SteemFest² Day #3
@joseph2017-11-08link122.919 People Mutilated In Japan
@canadian-coconut2017-11-08link117.60Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)
@velimir2017-11-08link89.07Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #107 'Leaf of Hearts'
@earthnation2017-11-08link87.97Xiuhtezcatl: Indigenous Climate Activist at the UN High-level event on Climate Change (News + Video)
@lukewearechange2017-11-08link83.78Secret Leaked Cable Proves Major Geopolitical Storm AHEAD
@joseph2017-11-08link77.15Shaq Gets Humiliated After Eating The World's Hottest Chip
@pressfortruth2017-11-08link73.80DTube - Let's Talk About Solutions! How To Achieve A Truly Open Free Market As A Voluntarist
@stan2017-11-08link69.13Who leads the Bitcoin Industry?

Payout distribution for Hero users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Hero user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 247. The overall mean payout was 13.63.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Hero accounts

Payments made to Hero users accounted for 36.83% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 3366.40. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

Superhero and Legend Accounts

Superhero users have a Steem Power balance of between 100 and 1000 Mega Vests. Legend users have a Steem Power balance of greater than 1000 Mega Vests.

Superhero and Legend accounts have been combined as the data is too sparse in the Legend category on its own for credible statistical analysis.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superhero and Legend Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@ned2017-11-08link284.47The SMT Oracles whitepaper.. [call for academics, modelers and deep thinkers]
@adsactly2017-11-08link100.01Beyond Death ❤️ (An Original Poem)
@oldstone2017-11-08link38.03(올드스톤의 스팀잇 이야기) 스팀잇은 공화주의다
@fyrstikken2017-11-08link31.47That time I fucked up twice during an Interview with the legendary drummer of CrazyTown & BeastieBoys
@leesunmoo2017-11-08link25.19고상한척 하지만 이게 인간이다.
@oldtimer2017-11-08link20.68Cityscape - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
@staticinstance2017-11-08link12.43BitShares And The Concept Of A DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Company)
@sochul2017-11-08link11.2538th SI신규작가 대상자는 @homechelin님 입니다!
@sochul2017-11-08link7.68중복포스팅입니다 ㅠㅠ

Payout distribution for Superhero and Legend users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superhero and Legend user categories.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 14. The overall mean payout was 43.33.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superhero and Legend accounts

Payments made to Superhero and Legend users accounted for 6.64% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 606.69. The total across all user categories was 9139.47.

The next report will be available in 12 hours

Thank you for reading.

The data was sourced from


I am glad to make into the list. :) Resteemed it .

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 88017.37
ETH 2069.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.75