Payout Stats Report for 26th October 2017 – Part I

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to the latest Payout Stats Report.

In this report, the Payout statistics are split by user level (from dust to legend).

There are 7 account types on Steemit and they differ depending on the level of mega vests they possess (which depends on the amount of Steem Power they hold). In this report we recognise the most popular posts by user type.

The seven user types are:

  • dust (0 to 0.01 mega vests)

  • newbie (.01 to .1 mega vests)

  • user (.1 to 1 mega vests)

  • superuser (1 to 10 mega vests)

  • hero (10 to 100 mega vests)

  • superhero (100 to 1000 mega vests)

  • legend (greater than 1000 mega vests)

The report uses pending payout data on all posts published in the last 12 hours, although we have allowed at least 3 hours for votes to build up on every post analysed. Posts published in the last 3 hours are therefore excluded, however, they will be included in the next report (published this time tomorrow)

Under each category, I provide the following stats:

  • Top 10 highest paid posts for an author
  • Payout distribution for that category
  • Share of total rewards from category

Dust Accounts

Dust users have a Steem Power balance of between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Dust Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@kongdong2017-10-26link79.39Harvesting mushrooms in this autumn.
@agorise2017-10-26link29.89[HIRING] Android Java addict wanted
@shenoy2017-10-26link17.73You pay 40 Rs tax on a liter of petrol!
@pesom2017-10-26link17.01когда моя жена рожала
@hlarin20122017-10-26link16.67Cooling system with cooler
@russafron2017-10-26link16.58Немножко полезной информации о Занзибаре
@masiamas2017-10-26link16.49Столица Занзибара город Стоун-Таун
@helenaramiz2017-10-26link16.49Business trainings
@hfyf672017-10-26link16.48High-quality refilling of cartridges
@iragreck2017-10-26link16.46Repair of game consoles

Payout distribution for Dust users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Dust user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 3481. The overall mean payout was 0.17.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to Dust users accounted for 5.67% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 594.07. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

Newbie Accounts

Newbie users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Newbie Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@hansjurgen2017-10-26link70.22An Off-Grid Laundry House to Die For
@onetruebrother2017-10-26link70.04Steemit Open Mic Week 56-Original Song-Walking In Love
@goheunice2017-10-26link65.77Photos from my trip to Langkawi
@chuazm2017-10-26link60.35Personal Growth1 - The Benefits of Journaling - Why, What, Where, When, How? (Part 1)
@sonnyboy2017-10-26link58.01MICROVISION [THE FIRST HANDHELD GAMING CONSOLE -REVIEW] sonnyboy
@spooks2017-10-26link17.59Psychedelic mosque architecture #2
@maximaz2017-10-26link16.50Neanderthals take care of the elderly
@steemusername2017-10-26link16.47Five actors from the movie Poltergeist died.
@samarbbsr2017-10-26link16.44Caption Contest 6 : My Entry
@steemfighter72017-10-26link16.42Interesting facts about the animal kingdom

Payout distribution for Newbie users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Newbie user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1731. The overall mean payout was 0.58.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Newbie accounts

Payments made to Newbie users accounted for 9.66% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 1011.98. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

User Accounts

User users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.1 and 1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for User Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@claudene2017-10-26link76.50Handmade Crafts Corn Husk Products in the Philippines.
@minismallholding2017-10-26link71.47My Biggest Homesteading Obstacle, Growing in Tough Conditions.
@kipasangin2017-10-26link69.05How To Easily Breed Rabbits For Beginners
@steem-plus2017-10-26link45.77SteemPlus 1.6 : Delegating Steem Power directly from your wallet!
@dodybireuen2017-10-26link39.91Steem Bot Tracker Update 3 - Vote Calculator & Settings/ Steem Bot Tracker Update 3 : Fitur Kalkultaor Voting & Setting
@davor272017-10-26link31.436 SBD GUARANTEE #LA LIGA🇪🇸⚽ SPANISH LEAGUE COMPETITION .Enter for Free and win Steem Dollars! 🏆💰⚽20 SBD Jackpot. 28/10/2017-29/10/2017
@saleg252017-10-26link29.14Quicky animation - Mickey Mouse
@arie.steem2017-10-26link28.73Contests - Finding the Best Contribution for WordPress !
@lykkejay2017-10-26link28.32Inconsistent width of the post preview(Markdown Viewer) not the same as the post view(after posting) on steemit.
@hamzayousaf2017-10-26link27.47Hey Bitcoin Users you are doing a long term trading(Analysis of its Price and Value)

Payout distribution for User users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the User user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1660. The overall mean payout was 1.23.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to User users accounted for 19.51% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2044.19. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

Superuser Accounts

Superuser users have a Steem Power balance of between 1 and 10 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superuser Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@irime2017-10-26link107.43Science in Hollywood: I Origins (2014)
@velimir2017-10-26link92.31Motorcycle travel series by @velimir 'Rijeka 1' (Part #129)
@elear2017-10-26link86.36MEGA Contest - Calling The Best Contributions for WordPress!
@crazymumzysa2017-10-26link63.89The Controversies around Euthanasia and Physician-assisted suicide (PAS)
@satchmo2017-10-26link61.57XMRUSD - Technical Analysis October 26, 2017 - Current Price $ 87.60
@platinum-blue2017-10-26link59.15Dream Diary - 25/10/17
@cryptogee2017-10-26link56.65Steemlight issue 7.0 - Deep Thought
@berniesanders2017-10-26link52.24New design or not, this site is still a royal piece of shit!
@blackbunny2017-10-26link50.91枫叶红了 / Maple leaves were red
@flamingirl2017-10-26link48.60FlaminGirl Happiness Therapy /Part 3 : The power of the body - 1/3 Physical activity 🏋

Payout distribution for Superuser users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superuser user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 761. The overall mean payout was 4.83.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superuser accounts

Payments made to Superuser users accounted for 35.05% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 3673.22. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

Hero Accounts

Hero users have a Steem Power balance of between 10 and 100 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Hero Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@suesa2017-10-26link112.52Cervical Cancer - Another Virus-induced Problem
@michelle.gent2017-10-26link92.39Writing Fiction a novel - Exclusive for Steemit - Diamonds and Deviants 13
@acidyo2017-10-26link90.36Winning an arena game through psychology
@michelle.gent2017-10-26link89.83Daughters of Le Fey Part 25
@michelle.gent2017-10-26link85.75Puppies, Pets and Patio Doors...
@ramengirl2017-10-26link62.75저랑 소주한잔 하실래요? 私と一杯飲みませんか?Ramengirl🍜
@theprophet02017-10-26link61.71Everything You Need To Know About Consensus Algorithms (Part 6)
@sndbox2017-10-26link58.21Learning from the Steemit Carrot [An Illustrated Guide on Payouts + Upvotes]
@clayop2017-10-26link56.46계속 생각만하고 실행은 못하고 있는 계획
@gringalicious2017-10-26link51.85Pastel de Choclo - AKA Chilean Corn Pie (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

Payout distribution for Hero users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Hero user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 201. The overall mean payout was 11.85.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Hero accounts

Payments made to Hero users accounted for 22.72% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2381.39. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

Superhero and Legend Accounts

Superhero users have a Steem Power balance of between 100 and 1000 Mega Vests. Legend users have a Steem Power balance of greater than 1000 Mega Vests.

Superhero and Legend accounts have been combined as the data is too sparse in the Legend category on its own for credible statistical analysis.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superhero and Legend Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@slowwalker2017-10-26link117.66The One of the Oldest Wooden Building in Korea.
@adsactly2017-10-26link87.43ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #9
@dragonslayer1092017-10-26link85.17Hiking at The Golden Gate. (Day 2)
@ioc2017-10-26link54.49남동생을 위한 편지 25. D-1
@exyle2017-10-26link48.77Vlog #123: New Steemit UI looks nice + I'm flexible while they work on the website.
@leesunmoo2017-10-26link34.60게으른 농부는 늦은 가을에 제초작업을 한다.
@cryptopassion2017-10-26link33.26BTC - As foreseen we are testing the resistance line
@cryptopassion2017-10-26link31.40[FR] BTC - Comme prévu nous testons la ligne de résistance
@cryptopassion2017-10-26link30.15BTC - Resistance line broken - Is correction almost finished?
@cryptopassion2017-10-26link23.04[FR] BTC - Ligne de résistance cassée - Est-ce que la correction est déjà finie?

Payout distribution for Superhero and Legend users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superhero and Legend user categories.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 21. The overall mean payout was 32.18.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superhero and Legend accounts

Payments made to Superhero and Legend users accounted for 6.45% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 675.83. The total across all user categories was 10480.29.

The next report will be available in 12 hours

Thank you for reading.

The data was sourced from

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67657.28
ETH 3498.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70