Payout Stats Report for 22nd February 2018 – Part II

in #steemit6 years ago

Welcome to the latest Payout Stats Report.

In this report, the Payout statistics are split by user level (from dust to legend).

There are 7 account types on Steemit and they differ depending on the level of mega vests they possess (which depends on the amount of Steem Power they hold). In this report we recognise the most popular posts by user type.

The seven user types are:

  • dust (0 to 0.01 mega vests)

  • newbie (.01 to .1 mega vests)

  • user (.1 to 1 mega vests)

  • superuser (1 to 10 mega vests)

  • hero (10 to 100 mega vests)

  • superhero (100 to 1000 mega vests)

  • legend (greater than 1000 mega vests)

The report uses pending payout data on all posts published in the last 12 hours, although we have allowed at least 3 hours for votes to build up on every post analysed. Posts published in the last 3 hours are therefore excluded, however, they will be included in the next report (published this time tomorrow)

Under each category, I provide the following stats:

  • Top 10 highest paid posts for an author
  • Payout distribution for that category
  • Share of total rewards from category

Dust Accounts

Dust users have a Steem Power balance of between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Dust Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@lionel.thebldrs2018-02-22link113.77"My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge" *How I went from growing weed to running an underground club in DTLA
@decentrabank2018-02-22link112.28Introducing Decentrabank! Mutual Trust Banking - A lending platform on Steemit, based on trust. Opens March 1st.
@abusereports2018-02-22link95.72Last Minute Upvoter Accounts (2018-02-22)
@wastedlife2018-02-21link82.69We found ParadiseWastedLife
@mdoo8242018-02-22link67.92#Quick lunch in Korea 22/Feb/2018
@ela.muds2018-02-22link64.91Hola, comunidad Steemit! Los saludo y me presento...
@maslowmission2018-02-22link57.28Vlog #5 - Show Your City Challenge: American Boy in the Land Down Under
@sylverstone142018-02-21link48.95Sylver's Edge on DLive! - First Test Stream
@jacqueline252018-02-22link46.88Hola steemit!
@ayden4382018-02-22link41.16This is My First Vlog video! Introduce myself

Payout distribution for Dust users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Dust user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 10961. The overall mean payout was 0.23.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to Dust users accounted for 5.81% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2468.47. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

Newbie Accounts

Newbie users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Newbie Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@novert2018-02-22link206.31The Neon Giza
@tangerinetravels2018-02-22link131.94A Gorgeous Beach and Tasty Food - Maddie's Birthday in Huatabampito, Mexico (VIDEO)
@wanderingdanish2018-02-22link91.14"No really, you should visit some day.." My favourite spots - ch 1
@jeffmcmullen2018-02-22link89.81I'm Making My First DTube Short Film!
@teukurobbybinor2018-02-22link89.12Steemit Open Mic Week 73 Original Song - Wrong Way
@altcoinpost2018-02-22link86.23Why Are You On DTube & Steemit?! $ or Do you Believe in the Platform?
@jasminim2018-02-22link76.88I am hodling my precious! 😈
@imjohnnymills2018-02-22link69.44Fortnite Drop$
@tidos2018-02-21link69.09Play some nooby rounds together
@gabbyg862018-02-22link63.02Getting in trouble at work because of Dtube - Day 16

Payout distribution for Newbie users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Newbie user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 4302. The overall mean payout was 0.94.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Newbie accounts

Payments made to Newbie users accounted for 9.51% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 4037.18. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

User Accounts

User users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.1 and 1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for User Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@abrockman2018-02-22link333.34LondonCity SeriesGraphic Design by AJ Brockman
@dnews2018-02-22link171.73Can YouTube Harm DTube? Let's be Proactive! Serious Question.
@charismaon2018-02-22link163.336 Mindsets That Will Make You Magnetic
@bryandivisions2018-02-22link149.79Official Music Video - Bryan Divisions - 'Illuminate' (Original Independent Mystic Rap)
@sieses2018-02-22link126.89Playing Final Fantasy XV!!(Battle with Aranea)(My Girlfriend Playing)
@janicehung2018-02-22link125.97Steemit Manila Hangout with @surpassinggoogle
@artbyclark2018-02-21link108.46Art Talk Vlog #4 Improving your skills and why it's importantArt by Clark
@syndicateframes2018-02-22link107.75LIFE IN A MOVIEDTUBE DAILY VLOG #34A PERFECT DAY
@jeffstoner2018-02-22link101.69Boy's Adventure Tale - Part 7
@bobbradshaw2018-02-22link95.74"End of Day" - 12"x12" oil on panel - Showing stages of the "work in progress" and my art studio

Payout distribution for User users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the User user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 2888. The overall mean payout was 3.54.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to User users accounted for 24.07% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 10221.23. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

Superuser Accounts

Superuser users have a Steem Power balance of between 1 and 10 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superuser Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@benleemusic2018-02-22link230.89Playing Some Tunes For You LIVE From My House in California!
@kennyskitchen2018-02-22link193.68Steemians of Anarchapulco #17 - @terrybrock
@sponge-bob2018-02-22link144.32Obsessed! Me and my pickles. (rare photo of me on steemit)
@ma1neevent2018-02-22link140.96The Resteem Radio Show Recap: Episode #1 - @Ma1neEvent & @PoeticSnake joined by @TeamSteem, @MeanMommy33!
@sneaky-ninja2018-02-22link139.57Sneaky Ninja Strikes Back!! - How Ninja is Combating Bot Abuse! - Special Announcement!
@jayjes2018-02-22link131.80#LUGARES MÁGICOS#15# CATALUÑA/SANT HILARI SACALM. Ganar criptomonedas jugando a cultivar la tierra
@brittuf2018-02-22link128.19New the Kitty Price is Right Giveaway! EtherStocks Hot Stock Tip!
@clayboyn2018-02-22link127.23Doubtless (original prose)
@an0nkn0wledge2018-02-22link125.99Senators Fight Wall Street Corruption With Kid Gloves

Payout distribution for Superuser users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superuser user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 1414. The overall mean payout was 8.15.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superuser accounts

Payments made to Superuser users accounted for 27.12% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 11518.13. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

Hero Accounts

Hero users have a Steem Power balance of between 10 and 100 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Hero Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@tradewonk2018-02-22link414.75🚀 Steemit In Top 1,000 Site Worldwide! Traffic Is Still Exploding!
@flysky2018-02-22link370.35Along the road ...nature around us...after brake my next Big Step is ?
@kingscrown2018-02-22link273.13No more ByteBalls Airdrops
@kingscrown2018-02-22link241.77Binance Community Coin per Month Voting Live Again!
@coruscate2018-02-22link218.68Dtube Exclusive - Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash (Ukulele Cover)
@firepower2018-02-22link201.47India: Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2018—Does It Affect Cryptocurrency Trading?
@andre33012018-02-22link201.01Galera do TELEGRAM: já somos 163
@officialfuzzy2018-02-22link185.49💖 Project "MilkBox" Logo Contest << PART 2 >> [BeyondBit & EOSBit Prizes Inside]
@lexiconical2018-02-22link160.32What Is Bounty Hunting?
@flysky2018-02-22link159.30Dreamit Steamit Breakfast like a dream ...

Payout distribution for Hero users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Hero user category.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 373. The overall mean payout was 26.93.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Hero accounts

Payments made to Hero users accounted for 23.65% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 10043.38. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

Superhero and Legend Accounts

Superhero users have a Steem Power balance of between 100 and 1000 Mega Vests. Legend users have a Steem Power balance of greater than 1000 Mega Vests.

Superhero and Legend accounts have been combined as the data is too sparse in the Legend category on its own for credible statistical analysis.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superhero and Legend Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@aggroed2018-02-22link748.25Steem Witness Forum: @timcliff, @good-karma, @furion, @cervantes, @exyle - @andrarchy
@haejin2018-02-22link270.48Bitcoin (BTC) Mid-Day Update: Head & Shoulders....Which Type?
@acidyo2018-02-22link255.36[Acid Streams] Counter Strike Global Offensive with Steemians!
@hanshotfirst2018-02-22link251.96A Geeky Dad's Movie Guide to Black Panther (2018)
@exyle2018-02-22link179.54A delayed celebration grill session with my Dad. Ribeye from the green egg with a cheeky whiskey.
@cryptopassion2018-02-22link165.85STEEM - Support line tested and broken... :(
@cryptopassion2018-02-22link164.93BTC - As expected, we have a pull back due to the resistance line
@rea2018-02-22link153.02An Awesome Birthday Celebration with @allasyummyfood / 参加美女厨师@allasyummyfood 的生日派对
@gringalicious2018-02-22link130.66Gringalicious in San Diego Travel Series - Part 4 Seaport Village
@z8teyb289qav9z2018-02-22link115.66Word of the day Contest - "impignorate"

Payout distribution for Superhero and Legend users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superhero and Legend user categories.

The total posts in the 12 hour period was 54. The overall mean payout was 71.75.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superhero and Legend accounts

Payments made to Superhero and Legend users accounted for 9.12% of the total payouts in the 12 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 3874.72. The total across all user categories was 42463.51.

The next report will be available in 12 hours

Thank you for reading.

The data was sourced from

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60035.79
ETH 3187.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45