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RE: Does Steemit Support Oligarchy More Than Anarchism? Does Real Anarchy Lead to World Peace? How WIll Steemit Evolve?

in #steemit7 years ago

Spot on, hard to have capitalism and anarchism on the same place at same time. I feel the same too on the issue of down voting as often a times those downvoted just have a different, albeit radical to the view of the downvoter. Thanks for sharing :)


I have been a member of the 'compassionate anarchy' group on facebook for a while and seen the endless 'debate' between 'anarcho capitalists' and 'anarcho communists' - whereby they just bounce off of each other all day long. The whole thing is ended by pointing out that they are both poles of the same enslavement system - but even after having gone into great depth with some of them to explain why the exclusion of Earth's resources from economic models, for example, is a problem - the most that usually occurs is either an insult or silence. :/

anarcho-communism is an oxymoron. Communism is coercive by nature and based on force and violation of the Non Aggression Principle. It takes a retard to be an anarcho-communist.

Whenever someone enters into the insult mode in a discussion or debate, just know the person is out of facts to rationally push his or her point across.


Yes, I am aware of that - amusingly, yesterday I was informed that I was essentially underqualified to know the truth of nutritional health by someone who claimed to hold a biology degree. When I highlighted that post under which he was commenting contained testimony from the world's best known, leading nutritional doctors and researchers - he simply insulted me for disrespecting his degree. lol.

Did you read my previous post where I stated that there exists a common misconception that there is only a choice between 'capitalism' and socialism?

To RE-quote the beginning of my above quote: There are basically only two ways in which economic life can be organized. The first is by the voluntary choice of families and individuals and by voluntary cooperation. This arrangement has come to be known as the free market. The other is by the orders of a dictator. This is a command economy. In its more extreme form, when an organized state expropriates the means of production, it is called socialism or communism. Economic life must be primarily organized by one system or the other.

It can, of course, be a mixture, as it unfortunately is in most nations today. But the mixture tends to be unstable. If it is a mixture of a free and a coerced economy the coerced section tends constantly to increase.

Capitalism and Socialism are polar opposites. One is based on the Non Aggression Principal and the other based on pure violation of it. Pure socialism self destructs and when mixed with capitalism you get most of the things (If not all) that's wrong with current state of global economy.

There is a thing as coma (or zombie if you like that) between life and death; it's not a positive thing.

You should read Ludwig Von Misess. It'll save me lots of explaining. You'll learn lots of valuable things. Most importantly you'll know the works greatest economist ever. Anyone who significantly deviates from Misess is simply an idiot. There is no putting it gently.

I am already familiar with the Austrian School of economics and already debated the basics of this to some extent with one of the leading Professors of Economics in Germany. He, like you, assumed I didn't have anything to possibly add to the situation - when in truth, I do.

Please tell me what you can add to the situation. From what you have currently talked about, I'm inclined to stick with what the professor said. May I also know the name of the professor. Does he write in English?

If the professor holds Misess to the same degree that I do as the #1 Economist, you have probably heard most of the things I could have told you in a debate.