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RE: Bitcoin is too volatile for me: Stability is coming.

in #steemit7 years ago

Yes, i would sell it for double actually. As i had quite bit of luck day trading, just my budget is ridiculously small.

This comes back to a point, where i some time in the past i have said said that the whole blockchain project is run by some government. I do not know which one:) Figure.

Just so many people are hyping that banks and government is scared of BC. Let's not be funny, you have just mentioned two numbers here. Blockchain market cap and worldwide economy, which is more of 150 trillion but different sources give different estimations. That 100-150 trillion is just half of the amount because of grey market and because nobody knows how much money has been actually printed.

So. Once scenario. Lets admit governments and banks are scared of blockchain impact :) With a snap of a finger, they buy up all market cap. All if it. That miserable 170 billion. With the money they have just created if needed and hold it. What would the rest trade? It will take time to mine new blocks, to create new currency but there will be none in circulation. It's just an assumption, does not mean i am right:) But you can prove me wrong of course.


I am with you on that. ^

I have often wondered if it is just a way to identify and categorize potential dissidents globally. I like a good conspiracy but I don't think it is too far fetched to imagine.

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