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RE: Investigating the whale scam - Assumptions above knowledge.

in #steemit8 years ago

The real problem we are dealing with is jealousy. Instead of people being happy with a few dollars they'v made, that unless they are incredibly famous elsewhere is more than they've made on all other social media accounts, they complain that others are making too much money.

Steemit doesn't even need to be monetized to be better than most other social media sites. It's great that @ned and @dan are sharing anything at all.

We are happy with the nice car we have until we see that someone else has a flashy new convertible. Instead of working to get that car most have come to the assumption that it's just not fair and that they should be entitled to their own flashy car.

The problem is not steemit at all. The problem is people's perception of "fairness." Notice that minnows that see the value of continued hard work tend to be far more successful than those who have early success and then instead of ramping up their content, keep it the same.

Hopefully people understand that hard work needs to be put in at some point, whether on steemit or another site to gain a following. Great content by itself will only be found slowly here. You are the brand and you need to advertise yourself.

Steemit is not get rich quick, it allows you to get rewarded for the amount of work you put in. I came in with no blogging experience, 0 followers on social media, few facebook friends and no idea how steemit worked.

All people have to do is get to know other people here and slowly craft unique content that engages people in some way. Repeat those steps and respond to comments and you will see success sooner or later.


You have no actual clue what we are talking about here.
The issue is about sock puppet accounts created by few whales to multiply profits.

Yes I know that. But I doubt you would care about this if you did not know about it, since you have $500 more than you did when you started.

I believe you are concerned with someone else's accounts because you feel it is unfair that they are voting the way they wish to.

All whales could only upvote their own content if they wish. It would be quite foolish, because without a sharing of wealth, steemit would quickly die and new users would not join if they were not able to make money.

I believe the heart of the issue is jealousy. You can disagree with me on that, but that is completely up to you.

To claim

You have no actual clue what we are talking about here.
The issue is about sock puppet accounts created by few whales to multiply profits.

is foolish. I have no problem with whales receiving more profits as long as everyone still has a chance to make money. Since steemit does not need to be monetized at all, I feel any rewards are simply a bonus.

It is like saying that it is fine for corporations to become sickly rich and powerful as long as they give us jobs.
These specific whales need minnows on this platform only to cover up their scheme. If there were no minnows, it would be plain obvious what they do.

That is exactly what I'm saying. How do you think facebook works? Or Google? The Wealthy investors make a lot of money and then hire people to take over certain aspects and then the majority of other people are putting in work for free.

Nobody is forcing anyone to stay on this platform though. If people are unhappy with it, they are free to go. I came in with 0 interest in blogging and have done pretty well for myself. I've made far more in my 2 months here than in ten years of all other social media combined.

There are flaws in all platforms, but if I could choose for there to be only one social media site, hands down I'd pick steemit. I'd dedicate more time to writing unique content and less on what whales do. But that is how I want to handle my time and you are free to continuing to go after whales that you feel are abusing their power. Human greed will always play a part any time money is involved. That is still the reason for my original comment.

I think steemit has done a pretty good job quelling to much vote gaming for the most part. I have plaenty of ideas that I'm sure would work far better than making a few sock puppet accounts.

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