Proposal To Bring Non Intrusive Optional Ads To Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

As much as I love steemit, I understand how frustrating it can be to be as a new user and make posts that may only earn $.01 and nobody is going to be excited about putting in the time to receive that.

I would like to propose the idea of having a section where people can choose to view ads in return for a certain amount of steem dollars or steem power. (That number could depend on how much an advertiser was willing to spend to advertise their product).

The following things would need to happen for this to be possible

  • A captcha (yes the dreaded captcha) would be needed to verify throughout the advertisement that a user is actually watching it.
  • This would have to be an optional feature, because bringing intrusive ads to this platform would hurt the overall feel and user experience
  • There would have to be a limited amount of videos, or money that you could make each day, but new users could at least do something to make a small amount of money if they wish. Also if the ads are interesting like new movies or even other steemians wanting people to see something they've made by paying the developers to advertise would be a great way to add value to the platform

I am all for getting new people involved in any way they can and look forward to helping people struggling to make any posts that don't get lost amidst the memes and copy/paste posts that add little value

I hope the developers and other users will seriously consider a proposal like this and I feel the option to never watch ads if you don't desire to would be a win for everyone.


where people can choose to view ads in return for a certain amount of steem dollars or steem power.

It just seems so weird. A paid person sitting on a chair "tolerating ads" when all they want is more steem or steem power. After enough ads, they learn how to disregard them, and ignore them.

..then of course you have the ad bot-audience. Bots pretending to look at ads, eventhough they aren't. So then people will say captcha the ads... there is ways around that too..

I think that that is true of video on youtube now. Correct me if I am wrong, but could a user simply set up many computers to continuously watch their content and boost the views? Youtube pays on C2C and viewing ads, so I think that could be implemented some way to give another option especially for new people to see ads of their choosing and generate a small amount of reward. This could also be capped per day at a certain dollar amount and as long as the capchas were entered (how many people actually even watch through the commercials on YouTube) the advertisers would give the benefit of the doubt and some users would actually do this themselves.

YouTube is fighting the YouTube Ad Blocker right now because people hate that they have to watch ads.

Bringing optional ads would allow steemit to not be controlled by the companies that advertise with them and still allow large companies to invest and bring revenue.

I'm not any sort of advertising genius, and you have much more knowledge than I @intelliguy, but I am alwas looking for ways for people to engage here without necessarily having to blog.

I'd be happpy to discuss ways to expand upon my idea and create a way to limit the amount of bots and hacking to prvide users with unique experience.

I love this ideal. I have often wonded myself if it's worth continuing. I had a post yesterday that when I went to bed I had 40 upvotes and was at $10.40. Then when I got up I had 52 upvotes and was at $7.30. I understand that it's because the value went down in the market, but try to explain that to someone new to crypto.

Also you receive 75% of the final (correct me someone if I am wrong) and 25% to the curators of your content, so the final value is a litle less than expected for the original poster. I do feel that some people would be ok watching ten minutes of ads to make a dollar or two or whatever is deemed to be fair. I also feel that the developers should profit from this as this is a great platform and they are under no obligation to reward us at all. Could have just been a blogging platform on the blockchain that was decentralized. Any way people think of to add value is often. I hope someone might be able to see this and run with it and add their own ideas.

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