Growth hack #1 (Side project)

in #steemit7 years ago

Today, I am going to present you with a growth hack that comes from: Bestfor is a great resource for different growth hack you can try today for a bigger brand tomorrow. Remember you can always change the hack a bit, you dont have to follow it step by step.

side projects

Side projects are great for marketing and creativity. It can start from a sketch up idea you had with your co-worker on how to make the company better, to another stream of revenue for your team. (and a good way to show off to your boss) :).
Side projects can bring you more traffic to your website, attract a new niche, and make your startup better.

Ask yourself:

What actions do users do before and after using your website? Let's say you have a blog about startups; after people read your blog, they go to CrunchBase to check fundings for those startups. You can create an extension on your blog about startup fundings and different perspectives about it.
What you want is for users to stay in your website as much time as they can, and bring value to them.



Stripe is one of my favorites startups out there; They facilitate the payment process from your checkout. Their target market is B2B, B2C startups that have a service or product they can offer. One of the biggest problems as a startup founder is how to incorporate it, have registered etc. Stripe realized the step before a company starts accepting payments is actually becoming a corporation. That's how Atlas was formed.
stripe atlas.PNG They offer to create a C corporation in Delaware, help with the legal stuff, IRS, and of course a Stripe account. Their goal was to create more Stripe accounts, they looked at an action users used to do before making a Stripe account, and offered a solution to that problem.
Their success? Almost 3,500 upvotes on ProductHunt which brought them thousands of new visits. aqq.PNG

If you have a blog such as Steemit, I advice you to use, a side project by HubsSpot, which gives you tips on your next blog.

Here is a blog with more examples of succesful Side projects that you can analyze and copy their strategy for your startup

Remember to upload it to A website with millions of early adopters looking for new tools to facilitate their life. (I will write a future blog about were to post your ideas, and side projets).

Please write on the comments below if you have any questions, or if you can share your side projects successes.

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