My first Game is RELEASED--Thank you Steemit!!

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello Steemit

I want you give you an update about my first android game and say thank you to you all for helping me making the game.

You probably think how you guys helped me there. Because of my first post I was able to buy some missing sprite sheets for my game. For people who does not know what these are: Sprites and sprite sheets are game graphics for 2D games. Here is an example of a spritesheet:

I completed my project by buying some cool sprites to make the game look much better and more welcoming. My post did not get much money like other post but the money I made a huge difference for a student like me.

Here is the link to my Game so you can judge by yourself :   

And now I want to thank you all of you guys by dedicating a game character to Steemit.

In my game all the characters are animals and I had the idea about having a specific character in honor of Steem. You probably already knows which animal I'm talking about. I think about a whale as the last unlockable character in the game or maybe as the Endboss?

Now it is your turn, you guys will be part of the development team! 

What do think of this idea at all? Do you want an Whale as the Endboss or as a game character? You decide how the next update for the game will look like? Tell me about your ideas in the comment section and we will then together find the best solution for the next update. I am really excited about this. 

Let's make  the first Steemit game together!


Thank you miss :)

Good job!
I also wanted to start creating simple games in unity, but I didn't started it after watching some tutorials.

Have you finished it in 4 weeks? How difficult was to create it?

Thanks man, the game took me 3 month actually. I had to learn the basics first. I watched tutorials just like you and adapt them in my game. You really get used to it after a while :)

Thanks for the info. I might also give Unity a try next month.

I just started downloading your game to my phone. I will play it tonight! :)

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