A STEEMIT PHILOSOPHY / Good Fortune Comes to Those Who Persist

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A good rule of thumb for Steemit newbies-

For new and aspiring Steemians here is best advice I can give for setting a path to success, it comes from the old Asoep's fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. If you remember the story begins with the hare laughing at the tortoise for having short legs causing the tortoise to challenge the hare to a race. After the starting gun goes off the hare sprints to the lead but because he is cocky he stops for a nap. The tortoise, although much slower than the hare, never stops and keeps plodding away. In the end the tortoise passes the hare and wins the race.

What a great story, what a great metaphor, what a great lesson for those getting started and making their first Steemit posts. The lesson of course is don't be discouraged and quit just because you see others doing better than you, stick with it, keep posting and interacting with others. Remember its persistence that wins the race. The earnings may be small at first but they will start to accumulate and payouts will increase.


You can't win turtle

tortuoise beats hare 2.jpg

Slow and steady bunny and look what you get

My Steemit experience-

I began Steemit in April of 2016. I strove to make quality posts but they were going unnoticed. Undaunted I kept posting and commenting, eventually I developed a small following and also the interest of some big hitters. Before long I was picked up by curie and later on by steemguild. I started getting bigger payouts and before long my wallet was expanding.

Now for the sad part, unfortunately I started taking success for granted and like the hare took a bit of a nap. By that I mean I stepped away from Steemit for awhile, two months to be exact. Now that I have restarted I find I am needing to retrace my steps, I have lost many up votes that I use to count on. I know they will come back if I am patient. I guess I had to learn the hard way that you need to be consistently posting and letting people know you are here with interesting things to say.

Picture credits go to keywordssuggest.com


Nice posting ... and good idea behind the fable - I agree!

However, actually I hope that Steemit will become so big in future that there is enough space to be successful for many animals, of course for the brave tortoise, but also for the hare ... and finally for us all with all our weaknesses and strengths ... Maybe it is a race indeed, but lets run together and help each other, because we have the same aim (the increase of the Steem price). :-)

Yes, the money is nice, but having an audience for ideas is better.

Right ... and actually I hope that most/all of us early adopters will profit also financially (even if of course not everybody can earn exactly the same amount).

Appreciate the self awareness here. You seem like someone with a lot of persistence though and some great writing skills as well. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of your posts :)

This is really to the point and a very common tendency of human beings. Motivational. Thanks!! up voted.

Just keep a positive outlook! Yeah, agree!

I had to spend a little time to accept and understand this simple philosophy. This is my 3rd account here, because the first two did not meet the conditions of the platform and, more importantly, unwritten conditions of users. They were created with the purpose to earn money quickly, and not produce good content for followers- what is the most important thing here.

Yes, content is everything.

Slow and steady wins the race, even though we're not really racing here. Sound information @beginningtoend. Keeping at it and good things will happen :)

What a wonderful example with a tortoise and the Hare! In other words, Be Patient and don't dive up. That are very important trues of life.
Thank You for sharing your experience.

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