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RE: To Bee or Not to Bee - Perspective of a Redfish

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi @simplymike. I hope you are feeling better since the hospital visit.

I followed some curation trails and set up some auto-votes...That gave me 10 to 20 times more profits in curation rewards

I noticed the same when I started following curation trails and set up autovotes. I would love to have all the time in the world to manually curate, but it’s simply too time consuming (for me anyway). I actually prefer to set autovotes so my votes can get casted when I’m not available. I read those posts by my favorite authors later.

I want to do the good thing and help others grow. But when I focus on growing my own account at maximum speed, won’t I be able to help others more than I do now...?? Is it selfish/respectless/stupid or whatever to use the bidbots, autocurate for max rewards, self-upvote and so on? Or is it the smart thing to do?

I see Asher quoted the same and gave his reply to you. I really don’t know if is black or white on here. Many activities on this platform falls somewhere in between. It is my opinion only, but if you are true to yourself, then you can’t go wrong with the decision you make. If it is your supporters you are worried about, why? If they are truly your supporters, because why else would they support you if not because they share the same interest or are like-minded, then they would continue to support you.

Asher for instance. I have tremendous respect for him and I know (at least think I do) that he would continue to show his support for me even if I use bots. I know all my true supporters would not mind either because they support me. I have many supporters that prefer to grow organic and I respect them too. If I am being true to myself, I don’t think I’m being selfish by trying to grow so I can help others grow along with me. I’ve tried to grow on this platform in different ways just like you. I’ve come to realize that organic growth is the idealist viewpoint. I consider myself a good person and a smart investor and a combination of an idealist/realist. Smart growth is NOT something to be ashamed of.

If I start abusing the system, well, I probably won’t be such a good person anymore and wouldn’t care one bit what others think of me. 😉


Some good points you make there, @beeyou.
Your comment made me realize I am allowed to change my mind about things. ‘cos that happens when you grow and learn more. The only one I need to stay true of is myself. And I’m not the person I was yesterday, nor am I the one I will be tomorrow.

A little trust in myself would do no harm :0)

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