Keep Steeming Ahead .. Because That's What We Do!

in #steemit6 years ago

I Recently Read A Post by @acidyo ..

Throwback to my old powerup diary

A Rather Small Post ..

But it made me think. I for one live to think. I love to be challenged and provoked to think. I do NOT consider myself some sort of genius, intelligent prodigy, or anything other than a normal everyday human whom loves to learn and try my hardest to absorb from others and possibly retain information. Everyone has something to teach me, whether it's direct or indirect. This is the cool thing about living life. For the past 8 months, Steemit has been a resource for my learning 'Fix'.

Which Leads Me To @acidyo's Post ..

Here I was as a minnow on the platform counting my posts and comments and seeing how fast I was able to gain SP. Feels like a lifetime ago but it has only been a bit over 2 years, time travels fast in the crypto world or at least it feels that way.
I don't really have too much to share about this, so much still happening, so much has happened. I'm looking forward to the future and hoping things will be okay and that we can make the world a much better place with Steem.
Just felt like sharing this. How many Steemians from back in the day are still around? :)

I Am Not ..

"From back in the day" but it sure would have been cool. It would have been cool to have known the pioneers from the begining. Cool to know this existed. Cool to have met more of you and learned from the talents and information you share here. I really just happened across Steemit by accident when Googling something and the result I clicked on just happened to be a Steemit post. From that point I was HOOKED! My inner student wanted to know what this Steemit thing was all about. Is this some sort of scam? YES..My first thought was what are they trying to steal from me?? LOL. Of what benefit could this be to me? How could I implement this into my life? Which lead me to wondering how I could utilize this platform in order to put more of what I know and what I create out there and what can I take away from interacting with others on this platform. Is this going to be another waste of my time..knowing I would be absorbed into sitting at the comp-u-tater and typing away (like I am now .. wink wink). Flash forward 8 months.. Funny how such a small post really makes me think about stuff. Hey @acidyo !!.. Stop making me think about stuff. It's Saturday, I shouldn't be thinking so hard and getting so emotional about stuff.. about Steemit.

I Have Grown To Realize ..

That I am far from a prize blogger. Mediocre at best. I don't let that dissolve my desire to create and to improve. Post after post I am trying to light the fire under my butt. I am a classic procrastinator. "Today I'll just post this..maybe tomorrow I'll actually present something worth while." Yup, that's me. Oh well..just being real I suppose. Today I am reading the post linked above and I think to myself .. "So much HAS happened", @acidyo is right! I have slowly "COLLECTED" a following of a few Steemit friends. I have built relationships. GENUINE individuals who want to see succeed regardless of the upvote value. I now have a support system. A Steemit Family support system that keeps me in line. They lift me up and keep me grounded. They support my 'crap' and my 'brilliance'. A true collection of friendships. That's the COOL thing about Steemit. Regardless of the fluctuations in the price of Steem, I log on to know that my Steemit friends will still be here. Still here posting away, creating, mingling, critiquing, commenting, collaborating, inspiring, and invoking thought. Regardless of how much voting weight I have collected, I have collected sooooo much more. All Of YOU!

Friends and Money ..

Is a weird concept for me to get past. I say to myself, mixing the two can't be good, but somehow it works here. I think it works because we all share a common thread; we love to collect things. Case and point.. @acidyo's log book entries of building his collection of Steem Power. It's a unique common thread we humans have.. We love to collect things. For some its coins, others art, some collect antiques, etc. I have yet to meet a person whom collects nothing. Everyone has a little lint in their pockets. Friendship aside, everyday we are collecting Steem. Together we generate Steem Power. Foremost, TOGETHER we will persevere and prevail in keeping Steemit real, breathing, alive and chugging along into the future. Steem links us all together..without it we wave goodbye and journey apart. I for one am not ready to end my time with all of you fine folks. There is way to much to learn yet.

So Keep Steeming Ahead .. Because That's What We Do!


Catchy Photo Here ..

Photo by B D Miller ~ 'We Are Linked'

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