WHY I joined steem mined ethereum,crowdfunded lisk & waves and have hi-hopes/believe in humaniq,encryptotel, liberycoin, bitshares and crypto in genuine...
HAAAA, steem, finally....
Hi there, young community...
Finally I can login without any Sukkerberg-cunt-firmation or redditaccount, hihihihi
why I joined? Simple...My hate toawards monopolisation, 5billion ppl beeing to lazy to read 5000 pages of "I agree"-updates
(read: dictatorship with contracts, signed with "x", in an illiterate world..outbluffing international instances and shamelessly
punishing governments for reacting on privacy-intrusion with NON-USERS...This is megalomany in the heaviest form!!
Stalin would get a hard-on in his grave right now, Adolf would be humble and jealous..
the democratic revolution has begun,
LET YOUR VOICE BE YOURS and not copyrighted by FACEBOOK ,pay the poor Colombian farmer directly for his hi-quality coffee(cuzz 5000ppl liked it, not 5000 clicks by Korean 10yr-olds) , not the bank or 20 other instances , leeching on the poor farmer, not getn paypal in his country, nor future, no NADA..
Sry, this was on my stomach...futhermore,I hope to blog my a'rs off with good advice, pwitty tunes, deeeelitefull desserts / menu's , naturepixx ( cuzz i'm a greenbwoj) and funstuff CUZZ I LIKE FUN STUFF HIHIHIHIHIHI
THANX steem community for making steemit happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's a fine little tune for y'all (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, best rhytm evr.. DR ALIMANTADO
and a very,VEERRRYYY funny british show HAHAHAHA OMG almost pee'd ma pants:
have fun, sweet community.........xxx
I hope I find ze time to report the sweet me asap MUuuhHaAaaaaaauUUu!!!!