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RE: Why Are Steemit Users Powering Down and Leaving?

in #steemit6 years ago

I read the "STEEM Price Analysis: Running out of puff?" article, pretty technical read, and I am not that much of a technical crypto person. I did find it interesting. In time Steem, the token, will likely stand alone and grow. I am not sure if the low has been reached or if it will go lower still. Steemit lost a lot of people at the end of 2016 just after a large increase, then slight crash. Steem recovered. The price seemed to do pretty good from October thru the end of december early Jan. Then the cycle starts again. Post run drop off fall off.

Some of the current lack of engagement could be due to several large people powering down, and moving to what they think may be greener pastures, or they just have other things to do. Some of it could be because of the bots, and some of it because of the lack of where to turn if something goes wrong.

Being decentralized, no authority, is new to people. When groups band together to correct what they feel is a wrong, then others see they can band together to do wrong. "It's people". It's not bots, bots have no brains of their own, they were created by people. In time the BS/H war is going to seem like small potatoes. People will band together to hammer at the bots when they become to much to deal with, Already happening with some bots going after bots. But the reality is it is not a bot war it is a perspective war, this bot is good, this bot is bad thing. I see in the comments the mention of bots spamming the wallets, are these all bots listed on the bot tracker, or are some of them trying to avoid the bot tracker, are some of them banned by the bot tracker for what they consider cause? But in the end it is people vs people. people build the bots, people fight the bots. People will lose, it is just a matter of which people lose, the bot builder/owners or the bot abusers, or the ones that think bots are bad. We will see.


Awesome comment. Yeah, I think you're right about the good people/bad people bit. Bots can't think, or act, for themselves. I love how you point that out.

But, I have a question. What do you mean by BS/H?

Oh that was a reference to the berniesanders/haejin flag war.

Aha! Thanks. :-)

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