Invite people to get to know SteeMit - Make a post that is true and acceptable to the publicsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Today I and my friends are making something different for SteeMit, we want to expand the SteeMit network all over Indonesia.

Questions I get ...

Why should SteeMit?

SteeMit is just like any other social media, but SteeMit has a crypto currency that we will receive if a post has meaning / content that is useful to others.


I turned the question to the person.

Do you have any advantage on other social media?

Answer him "No".

We opened their eyes to see SteeMit in the future, they got interested in the proposal.

We also introduce to them about how to make a true post without harming others, in other words "do not steal other people's posts, because it will not be good and high risk for our account in the future.It seems their belief is clear to try this SteeMit, because he Has asked more questions how to list SteeMit?

Question we want, they are interested to try it. Then I explained to him about the way the list, takes about 1 day. Because the use of SteeMit is now very much, different in the past, registration takes only a few hours.

A good chance for them to have known SteeMit in the present, because we do not know the future registration process will take time, I think for the future it will be different from now.

I also advise them for the post that will be born in the future!
Think of your writing as your own child
In the sense of the word do not make writing with perfunctory because it will kill you in the future.

Do not make post carelessly!

It is not only useful for new members, but also for all members of SteeMit.
Why i say like this?

Because it is basically posting just to give birth post, but has no meaning apart.
Many new members that I found doing such a thing, are very unfortunate because such a thing will bring great influence on our account.

We can instruct people, because it is not forbidden, even highly recommended for members all. If someone has done the right thing on every post, I'm sure the account will have good value and everyone will enjoy it.

Thank you for your visit and I hope you read it, because it is important to keep post quality.

Please criticize if I am wrong, I will not be angry!

By: ®Barvon


Cool. Mungkin yg bisa ditambahkan, dan ditekankan supaya postingannya jgn plagiat. Jangan nyuri foto orang, jgn copy paste konten dr situs lain, jgn copy paste seluruh teks dr sumber lain meskipun sumbernya disebutkan (kan lebih enak ditulis pakai kata2 sendiri). Byk nih yg main comot2 kayak gini.

Ya, ini tambahan yang bagus. Saya setuju dengan pendapat anda. Jangan ada yang plagiat, usahakan postingan atau tulisan milik sendiri.
Terima kasih telah membaca postingan ini, semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

Bereh that bang postingan droe neh. Long hana careng lom. Semoga kedepannya saya juga bisa seperti abang yang sudah master ini.

Bersama kita bisa!
Semangat jangan pudar.. :-D
Hahaha terima kasih atas dukungannya @zakir43

Sama-sama bang.

Thank you very much @slempase

Your are friends
..have a nice day @barvon

bukan main postingannya luar biasa...

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya @Albertjester

Salem ke agus..
Pegah berumeh bacut :D

Hahahaha gopnyan meunan drogeuh :-D

Keren kata-katanya bang @barvon

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan telah membaca postingan ini @dianclasher

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