Racist, there I said it,

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

OK , hands up all the people that by me saying this are hurt of dying......

Just as I thought

So how the hell has being called this word, turned country's and intelligent people into jelly puppets that are afraid to stand up for what is right.

We all know right from wrong but the threat of being called racist seems to over ride common sense.

I love all races and creeds. not a great lover of religion as this is another area that divides community’s and even family's.

People really need to wake up to the world around them.
Whilst everyone is worrying about being labelled with some over pushed WORD that seems to scare people to the bone.

Our powers that be are robbing us blind with taxation, food prices are at an all time high, and we have a financial crash coming in that will rock the whole western world and beyond.

Every day we lose more of our human rights and freedoms, and what do we do.

Simple we roll over pass the buck and carry on like every other day.

All this political correctness has gone mad, our kids think they are entitled to anything they want just by whining or threatening teachers and parents with some busy body government department that tells them it is OK to take take take.

Growing up has life lessons and not all those lessons are good, you need to scrap your knees, So you know how much it hurts and not to do it again..

All this cotton wool wrapping interference mixed with political correctness is killing our so called modern world.
Where will it end.



People that get called racist are generally pretty fuckin racist, and it scares them that it might not be as popular as it once was. Hence "Make America Great Again".

I think you are wrong there, yes there are the fecktards that are, real racist you can usually spot dragging there knuckles down the road. but in this day and age, the word seems to have been kidnapped a bit. when you have rape gangs grooming children and the authorities ignoring it in case they are labeled racist this is where I have the issue. my point is here if something is blatantly a miss people need to speak up. wrong is wrong somewhere we have all got lost in this bubble of political correctness
and we turn a blind eye to people around us suffer real pain and anguish rather than having our feelings hurt by a word.

Racism is just deep-rooted into culture. People think that racism = saying the n word or whatever and it's not that simple. The system of government and the economic model of capitalism is also inherently racist and as long as we live in the same governmental and economic systems we live in a racist nation. Most normies are blind to it because they've "got theirs" and don't bother think about others that are struggling. "As long as I don't say the N word, I'm not racist!" is how people think. Anyone who supports capitalism is a racist, not only are they a racist, but they are a class traitor, a bigot, etc. All minorities suffer under capitalism.

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