Spirit Comes from Self | Support Comes from Others (My Steemit Story)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemian

Have we ever thought about the extent of the journey we have been through. Most people go through many things without thinking about the process they are going through. As social beings, certainly a lot of planning that we go through to get the feasibility in life. As the needs of life both primary, secondary and tertiary needs. But there is a lot of support that we have to get through certain processes. But among the several processes that are easy to get and very influential in a plan. Call it the spirit from within us and the encouragement of those around us.

Pernahkan kita berpikir sejauh mana perjalanan yang sudah kita lalui. Kebanyakan orang melalui banyak hal begitu saja tanpa perlu berpikir panjang tentang proses yang sedang dilaluinya. Sebagai makhluk sosial, tentunya banyak perencanaan yang kita lalui untuk mendapatkan kelayakan dalam kehidupan. Seperti kebutukan hidup baik itu kebutuhan primer, sekunder dan tersier. Akan tetapi banyak sekali penunjang yang harus kita dapatkan melalui proses-proses tertentu. Namun diantara beberapa proses tersebut yang mudah kita dapatkan dan sangat berpengaruh dalam suatu perencanaan. Sebut saja semangat dari dalam diri kita dan dorongan dari orang sekeliling kita.


Spirit is the greatest support that exists within (internal) a person in doing various things. With Spirit there will be people who will pursue the target to be achieved. Surely everyone for the sake of terget that was completed well and smoothly. Indeed everyone who uses smooth planning without any particular obstacles, But everything isn't as we had planned before. If not surprised if many people are discouraged just because the planning doesn't go with What has been proven.


While the defense is support that comes from outside (external), say it from the environment that is our neighbors. Like friends, associates, family and community. They are the ones who always give motivation for our progress. As I have written in my previous edition, Support is a great reward. With the input and we will use Many, I think it is one more speed that we have compiled in the previous time.


If we compare where it is actually more important for us to consider as a supporter of our success. So I recommend both support it, it's just a slightly different position. The spirit is easy to maintain. If we are an unyielding soul. However, we are a hard person and hard to accept input from others. Let us defend if many people give it, make ourselves more energized than ever. I think if we had done it then we would have prepared that would work out with great opportunities.



The Youth Steemit :


Semangat yang datang dari dalam diri sendiri sering disebut motivasi.

Tepat sekali brother @andi.satria.hrp

Saya pikir itu cenderung dengan inspirasi dan motivasi luar bisa saja kita dapatkan berupa support dari lingkungan kita.

Postingan yang baik dan sangat berguna

Terima kasih sudah membaca tulisan sederhana Saya yunda @tutystemit

I hope that you have both semangat and bantuan dari orang lain. I enjoyed reading your post.

Teman Bule Dari AS!

Thank you brother steemenglish, I don't realize there are many people outside Indonesia who read my writing.

A happiness for me, you have supported and motivated me through a simple comment.

Nice to meet you, Salam Dari Indonesia.

Kon le bak black win lago @bangmimi

Ka jareung lon tubit keunan brother, Kadang menyoe na dipakat Lee rakan Ka long Goes lhokseumawe.

Droneuh pu ka peugot POS bak black wins nye? Wkwk

Haha, kon na master inan.

Haha, kon na master inan.

Semangat dan menikmati kebersamaan bersama kawan-kawan, itu sangat bagus karena kita adalah makhluk sosial....

Benar sekali, disaat itulah kita berinterakasi dan melakukan komunikasi secara langsung brother.

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