Just Tell what Happened | Ceritakan Sesuai dengan Fakta

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemian

Have you ever read some posts was I wrote a few weeks before? Or just you just miss it. It's just a special wind for you who don't really care about the situation, especially for those of you who don't have a hobby of reading. But a lot of posts that I write often related to the story of life. The story is real I experienced myself, how can we tell loudly if I don't experience the process directly. So I am very happy to write about real life stories.

Pernahkah kalian membaca atau beberapa postingan yang Saya tulis beberapa minggu sebelumnya? Atau hanya sekedar kalian lewatkan begitu saja. Memang hanya sekedar angin berlalu khusus bagi kalian yang tidak terlalu peduli akan keadaan, apalagi bagi kalian yang tidak memiliki hobi membaca. Akan tetapi banyak sekali postingan yang saya tulis kerap berkaitan dengan cerita kehidupan. Cerita tersebut secara nyata Saya alami sendiri, bagaimana kita bisa menceritakan secara lantang jika Saya tidak mengalami prosesnya secara langsung. Makanya Saya sangat senang menulis tentang cerita kehidupan yang nyata.


As a fairly young Steemian I am only able to tell about the experience of potluck alone. Indeed, sometimes there are stories that are a little hyperbole but only just and not too add the plot of the story. The story is also not I told in the serial issue every day, I just take the topic which is easier to be described first. Sometimes I often take about the happy, sad and so on. It depends on how susana I'm facing, depending on the condition as well.


Just like a writing, strokes and images must be on display, it has even become a publication as a work. Of course there are so many people who see, glance and examine it. So naturally if some writing I've written to get criticism and advice from the public, whether it is a positive or negative comments. Both are rewards given in accordance with the views of people who read them. There is also a tendency to comment in the form of a question, I also give answers that I can answer.


I think the question-and-answer session between a Steemian and another Steemian is a relation as a manifestation of concern with fellow Stemians. If today someone else is asking us today we will become as resource person, and the reverse for the next day when we are turning to ask others then others will also be a resource. Thus, relationship continues to be established, the wider insight and the knowledge that we have increasingly. So, however, we must care for each other and establish a harmonious relationship between fellow Steemians. Let's share the story of life, and the most important thing is not to ignore each other.



The Youth Steemit :


ya ya ya
kapan kita sesi tanya jawab lagi dipidie brader @bangmimi
sigo go saweu la bg bro, hehehe



Dengan senang hati brother, Kamoe galom troh meugisa keunan. Semoga kami bisa segera bersilaturrahmi kembali ke Pidie.

Salam untuk keluarga besar para KSI chapter Pidie

Dengan adanya steem Indonesia mari kita jalin persahabatan dan persaudaraan yang menjadi tujuan utama

Saya setuju, Kita semua sahabat dan Kita semua saudara. Salam KSI brother.

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