My 2000 follower milestone : The Amazing Influence of Community in Steemit - Thank You Very Much to all my followers and Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Last Night was becoming a story of my history in Steemit since 1st of August 2017 when I have been a part of the amazing social media based on steem blockchain. Finally, I reached 2000 followers during 157 Days.

A big thank to my best friend @abduhawab who informed me about Steemit and I thank to the leader of Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI), @levycore as well. Both of them taugh me everything on Steemit and always be a wise and incridible motivator for me.

And I always got a full support from my best friends @razack-pulo, @dodybireuen, @dokter-purnama, @hermanrn, @cakphotography, @saifulramadhan, @fajargj, @mime, @rickygunawan, @rayfa, and other steemians from Indonesia.

I met so many great people in Steemit. They are @ayijufridar, @rismanrachman, @mariska.lubis, @kemal13, @steem77, @barvon, @dsatria, @mukhtar.juned, @birullibmc, @abunagaya, @safwaninisam, @jodipamungkas, @alvarisi, @taministy, @teukukemalfasya, @mhusthafakemal, @steemvest17, @nayya24, @rizasukma, @alol, @vannour, @makhzar, @fahmidamty, @rizaldamty, @saipoel77, @hananan, and other great steemians.


Special thanks to all of my followers because all of them are the real supporter of mine. I did nothing without all of you.

I never forgotten for a kindness heart of my friends in Indonesian Steemit Community Chapter Bireuen, Steemit e10, Steemit e5, and Nanggroe Steemit Community (NSC). Thank you very much for supporting me during 157 days.

I must thanks to @aiqabrago, @sweetsssj, @donkeypong, @kevinwong, @ramta, @starkerz, @futurethinker, @bullionstackers, @liondoni, @hopehuggs @arbitraykitten, @teukumukhlis, @jumaidafajar, @curie, @steemiteducation, @surpassinggoogle, @gailbelga, @adsactly, @alvinauh, @acidyo, @hr1, @analisa, @thunderbird, @stephenkendal, @ocd, and other Senior Steemians who always support me during 157'days in steemit.


I know I am not a good steemian yet, but I am trying to learn much more from all of you and become a proper steemian like you need in the future.

We can work together to reach our dreams in Steemit and we wont guve up before we find what we are looking for in steemit.

I am sure we are going to reach our dreams if we believe the strength of the community. We will unite in one community and fighting until we can not move anymore.

Let's keep promoting steemit for all people we meet and steem on.

Warmest regards from Gayo Highland,






Selamat keudrouneh bang arbi, memang pencapaian luar biasa

Terima kasih Pak @mukhtarilyas beh...semoga sukses bersama tanyoe bak steemit.

Sukses selalu Bung @bahagia-arbi...

Oke..terima kasih, sukses juga utk Bang @halimabe. Kita akan berjuang bersama. Salam

Pencapaian follower yang luar biasa bang @bahagia-arbi, semoga followernya semakin bertambah.

Oke joe...hajar aja..hari minggu sore kita disusi lgi di star black.

Congratulations! Well done, you have earned it :)

Keep STEEMing ever onward and upward my friend <3

Thank you very much my romantic folk, I know you always support me and we will reach our dream in steemit.

Yes we will!

You are very welcome <3 I am enjoying this exciting STEEM journey with you!

Semoga tembus angka 5000

Insha Allah adoe lon...semangat beh..uroe minggu sore tadiskusi lom di star black.

Get, insyaallah beh.

Mantap bg,,,,maju terus

Baik..kita maju bersama2 untuk sukses di steemit. Terima kasih ya...semangat

Leupah hayeu neukira. Aseuli beureutoh

Hahaa...sama2 tapuget beurutoh ukue...insha Allah

bahagia-arbi!! Thank you, your Post. i upvoted.^^

Thank you my friend. Wish you all the best.

Luar biasa bang,
Semoga bisa kita nikmati karya karya selanjutnya

Insha Allah dek, kita akan sukses bersama2 di steemit.

wah udah 2000 follower dan 4042 post
Luar biasa pak arbi

Karena sdh lama aja dek @yundriana ..tetap semangat ya

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