How Steemit Is Changing My Life

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Steemit has the power to change lives. I'm living proof. In just a short time, Steemit has done something that I previously thought was impossible: It gave me hope.

Most of my adult life, I've lived in poverty or right on the edge. I've spent as much time out of work as I have been working. And the jobs I have had have been soul-crushing minimum wage jobs that have taken a toll on me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I have been homeless. I know what it's like to sleep on the streets. I know what it's like to request a "no" bag from a food pantry (meaning you don't have anywhere to cook, and need ready-to-eat food). One time I even tried pan handling, though I didn't do very well at it because I couldn't look anyone in the eye... a low point in my life, for sure.

But something funny happened recently

I found Steemit less than 2 weeks ago, and in that short period of time it has literally changed my life. For the past 2 months, my checking account has been below $1. I used to wake up to daily text messages from my bank alerting me to my low balance. Now, I'm not exactly rich... but the texts don't come anymore. Even temporary relief is something to celebrate.

The cost of being poor

One thing that you don't really understand until you've lived it, is that it's expensive being poor. Every dollar you earn is spent before it is in your hands. Banks hammer you with fees whenever they can get away with it. Prepaid or month to month cell phones cost more over the long run. It can cost a lot to get utilities turned back on after they're shut off.

Here are a few articles that talk about it:

Worst of all, you never have anything to show for it. Middle class people get to buy houses with money they don't have yet, and pay a mortgage instead of rent. They get to build equity, rather than pour money down the drain. When you're poor, everything is temporary and precarious. You're lucky just to hold your ground. Moving forward is unfathomable.

Now with Steemit, I can look at my Steem Power balance and watch it grow over time. It's doing something I've never been able to do before: building wealth. I know nothing is for certain, and it's dangerous to put all your eggs in one basket. But nothing in my life has ever been certain. My basket was empty, but now I have an egg! It's something to give me hope.

I want to thank everyone for being a part of it.


Thanks for sharing your story, @bacchist. You may not agree with his worldview (I don't anymore), but you might want to check out some stuff from Dave Ramsey (I worked there for almost 4 years). He has great tools for people wanting to get out of debt and build wealth. He also talks about the difference between being broke and being poor. Before, you were poor (a mindset). Today you're probably closer to broke (a temporary situation). The difference is hope. The difference is believing in the power of the dollar as a spiritual thing, as in, something which doesn't exist in physical reality. It's just an idea. As Rabbit Daniel Lapin says, it's a certificate of appreciation. Yes, it has powerful psychological influence over us (as my recent experiment with hiding the $ is showing me), but it also can help us focus what we really care about as far as where we put our time and attention.

I lived on a boat for two years in high school when my parents had to sell our house. That Christmas we had to write letters to each-other because no one had any money for gifts. We used the stove to heat the boat. We took cold showers. It was rough. It also taught me a lot about myself and what really matters in life. The truly important things like love, relationships, and family are still there without money. That said, having money seems to be a lot nicer than not having it. :)

I know you want to abolish money based on the great conversations we've been having the last week or so. Devoting so much negative energy and attention toward something probably adjusts your subconscious decisions surrounding that thing. You might be pushing money away from your life which results in a loss of hope.

You're right though. Being poor is expensive. The answer, to me, isn't more government programs or centralization. The answer involves solutions like Steem. That, and generosity.

Thank you for such a heartfelt response. And thanks for the story about your own experience. I am glad that you made it through and seem to be ina great place now.

I actually have read some of Dave Ramsay's stuff. I do like some of the ideas, but putting them into practice has been out of reach. I really like the idea of saving up money an an emergency fund before paying off debts. Because if you don't have anything left over and something comes up, you have to go right back into debt.

I don't think "government is the answer" long term, but if the private sector is leaving people starving, something must be done. Long term I'd like to see government abolished and a society built around mutual aid form.

Definitely get the emergency fund in place. Work extra jobs, deliver pizzas, mow lawns, do whatever it takes. That starter emergency fund is key. My wife and I followed his program and paid off an amazing amount of debt that surprised us both. Money isn't evil, it's just a tool, and it can be used for great things.

Nothing more comforting than knowing in the back of your mind that there's something saved just in case. Dave Ramsey's books were definitely a paradigm shift for me!

Have you read The Richest Man in Babylon? I think Ramsey recommends it in one of his books. Great story with great advice that sticks. Great conversation. Financial literacy could be an immensely valuable topic in Steem.

I don't think I've read that one yet. Thanks for the suggestion!

Anything to remove us from the government teet, I'm all for Steemers.

Why don't you put up some links too?

Sorry? Not sure what you mean. Links to Dave Ramsey's stuff?

Man this is great. And you've helped people here on top of all that. Me being one of them!

Glad to do it! I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of this community. If I can help others find their way, it's an honor.

Brilliant write up. Upvoted!

Thank you very much!

I think you are a perfect example of the power of blockchain technology to disrupt, and level the playing field in a sense. The redistribution of wealth is real. It allows anyone with an internet connection the chance to succeed. We might not all become rich, but comfort will be a lot closer for many people as this tech disrupts and spreads. When billions of people no longer need to worry about survival, but can instead develop their gifts, can you imagine the boost to commerce, art, society, when everybody can contribute, instead of just survive.

It does have the power to make us all a bit more free. Where it takes us is hard to predict at this point, but I'm excited to be along for the ride. I hope your vision comes to pass.

Soon you will have many eggs in your basket!

One can dream, right? :D

wow...that is a great story bacchist. You have my upvote on that one. I think few years down the road we could sip a pina colada by the beach together.

That would be fantastic!

Great post bacchist, you are an example of people in the community that we need. I see you posting and helping in the slack and working to make steemit better and a better experience for all. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! That is very kind.

"Banks hammer you with fees whenever they can get away with it."

That fear that you're not actually in control of your money is scary. Steemit's platform is turning that on it's head though. Thank you for sharing!

It sure is! I'm glad you enjoyed my post.

So glad that Steemit is helping you get out of poverty. What an amazing blessing for you. I am glad to see that you are getting upvoted!

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