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RE: This is REALLY fucking important, so resteem it if you give a shit about this community.

in #steemit7 years ago

As they say, the cat's out of the bag. I think you're being extra harsh for whatever arbitrary reason on this new "scheme", is it because it's as legit as you can get with something like this? I mean look at that professional ass post and their website, I doubt you went that deep but still if you did was that the reason for this alarm? Stopping the free market ain't gonna happen with "flagaton".


If it seems harsh then that is because I have said similar shit before and too few have listened, so if subtlety doesn't work, trial and error leads me to use harsher words next. No I did not look at their website, as I have no reason to do so. I suspect it to be a scam, though if it is not, I still disagree with its stated purpose. So going to check out the site where I may or may not be successful in ascertaining the veracity of the project is a waste of my time.

I can see no logical reason for you to have left this message. It may discourage others from flagging the post, so that's a negative. What positive where you hoping to achieve from this?

Let's not kid ourselves here, most users either want to make money, or want to make money. And if there is a stable way to generate a small ROI consistently then people are going to take that route for as long as SBD trades in a given range. Hell, SBD can go down and people will still bid, because most people have no idea how to do simple math.

It's actually very similar to minnowbooster, they're both middlemen for services that skim money from the collective everybody and hand profits over to those with capital aka SP or VP.

Rich get richer, steem's GINI coefficient is worse than most any country on earth and there's nothing in the code that would change that so we shouldn't be surprised.

Do you want to help me provide them with a different way then?

Provide who with what?

if there is a stable way to generate a small ROI consistently then people are going to take that route

Offer them this, and the may no longer do that.

Flagging takes your ability to allocate rewards away from yourself, so I don't understand what you're saying. Flagging a post about a vote-selling platform doesn't make the vote buying and selling go away.

I'm not sure who is missing the point here. We are not talking about allowing vote-selling here. I have never flagged someone for buying a vote, or selling one. I have merely voiced my opinion on the matter and tried to paint a picture of the future it leads to.

But this is different. This is now(if not a scam) the implied acceptance of vote-selling inviting full blown dApps that will to facilitate the process of buying and selling votes. It should not be difficult to see where this will lead. Before long, 99% of the reward pool will be voting power reserved for purchase or auction. No one will have the votes to support decent content, because so many will be reserved for sale, and thus, there will be next to no incentive for anyone to produce a post of any quality.

We have already seen a massive drop in quality, from my own blog too, because I refuse to play bingo. If this is shown as accepted, in another 6 months, this place will be a memefactory. In fact, no. That would imply people would be creating original memes here. It will be a meme recycling centre. That's why I flagged the post.

It needs to evolve. We need to understand that the era of the blog's dominance is kind of over already. There is still room for technical blogging a la Medium, but personal blogging has lost out in the social media war to other shorter-form websites for good reason. People don't have the time or patience for this kind of content. Look at the engagement numbers here. They're very, very low. Very low return on the effort in terms of how many people are impacted.

From a personal standpoint I agree with you that bots and bidding for votes and selling votes and whatever the heck else is bad for actual social media websites, but in my opinion steemit isn't really a real social media website at all and in the future it will either die or be overrun by corporations or other large investors and our opinions REALLY won't matter then.

The irony is that steemit can actually cater to the best of all worlds if we stopped limiting our vision of what it could become.

To discuss an actual solution to this problem. Flagging won't do shit, neither will yelling about it. What would be the free market solution to this problem?

I always smile when I see you in a comment section. But...Legit as you can get? Isn't something either legit or not legit?

I only meant to say as the post itself and the website was "legit", but I see your point, I called it a scheme after all, simply because it errs more on "breaking" even, where @honestbot is about a positive return on investment.

I know you are trying to take this piss, but I really like this image and think it's an awesome meme, so I shall be downloading it. And if I thought that was evidence enough of it being scam, I wouldn't have had to write all that shit about paying for votes. I do, however, know that there is some who will think that enough evidence, and thus, I mentioned it. But you have made it so much better, so this is now getting added to the post.

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