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RE: The Steemit Warriors!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Bro, you spammed Gay Porn and then laughed at it:

Oh no gay comics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You finished taking credit for someone else's comedy or are you still claiming you wrote ANY of that "Steemit *SJW * life" that you claim should have tagged as parody as if anyone mentioned you not tagging it parody but not crediting the author of those jokes you were taking credit for "this is me on mild" and "I used to write like this before they flagged me". (You deserve getting flagged 100%, others have talked to you about it specifically)

Own up to you deeds, you ain't a man worth any community, you are bound to offend, lie steal and manipulate while praying on peoples sympathy. You seem to need attention so bad that in your hurried act of deflecting the contradiction of "i'll leave him alone" and projecting it onto me, you try to make all the comments (I only noticed your thread today about all this stuff, that's why all my replies are days after it) that the people give, even thugh they are obvious spam and don't understand anything, to sound as if they are having a convesation with you. Those people don't care, They are Spaming you. LMAO>.> and you know it bro. Wake up, the people see who you are and what you did, I don't care how many think "that guy" about me, I am self actualized by the comedy you claim as your own, the act of theft, the act of lying.


im confused and dont follow. Can you break it down a little? Cause i did like his post.

Do a youtube search for JP Sears SJW and play it in the background while you read "his" post.

The dude is trying to claim he made a parody of JP, this is while lamenting that he used to get flagged (for spamming gay porn) and before that he used to write this good, and "this is me on mild" and that he should have tagged it parody..

Maybe I’ll stay out of this one lol. I’m just here for the bitches😂😂😂

Yeah, he's had his heart to heart man to man talk to his "I realize what I did was not ok" except the only bridge of retreat that there is for him now is admitting to being a lame-o.

Check out the dramaton here >

About his Plagarizing post:
In his plagarizing ass post. I just notice that cathy-xx think's I'm "completely nuts", bitch doesn't understand neither Satire Nor Parody. Skeptic gathers the Crud.

Ok i know i said i wasn’t going to get into this. As am chilling here now off work just eat a good dinner sipping on some wine and smoking on my homegrown and I’m thinking that maybe you guys should put this behind you and make up. We all need to come together especially is the bullshit times we live in today. You both seem like decent guys and i look forward to following you and upvoting your content. That’s all i got to say hopefully i don’t offend neither of you but i fell arguing and doing stuff to people that they might not like is for Facebook. ✌️🌱🌳

Hey man I won't let it go, I'll mock the crap out of his pathetic ass simply based on principle of theft. I want him to give credit where credit is due and Own up to the fact that he lied and took credit for writing those jokes.

You shouldn't care about "offending" people, speak your mind and be yourself, unapologetically do you. Yesterday I made a joke In grand honor of this fool that went mute, I wrote in a @berniesanders thread"Don't apologize for being yourself" @skeptic which is Ironic since he admited to Self Censoring so as not to "get flagged" by bernie as if bernie really cares about his pathetic self, and it's a joke that you'd get if you listen to JP's more serious interviews on youtube where he mentions that.

This is the deal about the community. There's no admins. You and I and even the fool have to police ourselves, and I'm hold this motherfucker to all his "this is me on mild" and " I wrote a parody" bullshit and crapping on all the dipsticks that argue "you don't even know what satire is, you keep changing the definition" when I've consistently said the same statement of facts until there's nobody that will listen to me. I'll be the loner on the corner sounding crazy but not giving a fuck what you think.


Yeah we get it, you spamming Gay porn is hilarious.

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