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RE: Powering Down Massive Amounts Of Steem?

in #steemit6 years ago

Btw, breaking away needs a motive.. If you're breaking away because you want to exclude people's stake, effectively saying that you want to leave them holding the bag, along with anyone who stays around and that is a retardedAF reason to fork, and you're right, nobody is entitled to force you to stay instead of forking and good luck on your forked version. As I told others, go on and fork it already. (who will follow lol)

@whatsup is a duplicitious fuck you over backstabbing BITCH of a Fake Friend if ever I've seen one.

And we were discussing the narrative of poor victimized you who victimizes others from her sense of victimhood.

Posted using Partiko Android


Nice one! Just the other day I said... Lately, Baah has been making sense to me and I find that frightening. :) True story.

so your wires in your brain are crossed wrong?

someone dropped an anvil on your head?

you actually suffer some type of brain injury?

I've written on steemit for 1 1.2 years years. I have at times gone into my personal life in my posts. That is a glimpse of me, those who were followers.


You are so stoopid, no wonder you are the laughing stock of steemit.

Victim is not what happens to you or what you go through in life. Victim is a MENTALITY. For the record, I've had a Pretty Good life.

One thing I've Never Been , no matter whether i was a success or a FAILURE- is I've NEVER BEEN A VICTIM.

I stand on my own two feet & have never looked for sympathy from anyone else.


I bet you get high off some weird shit too don't you. Besides Bernie's Farts that is.

You're certainly not the victim of whatsup alleged "betrayal", or of "day 175 of being flagged".

Posted using Partiko Android

you are officially confirmed as fucked in the head baah.

I never said whatsup betrayed me or anyone else.

flag away flag fags

I do not consider my posts on the internet on a social media platform being flagged to be any great form of abuse, victimization or tragedy.

you are wanting me to participate in a back & forth with you- because you image I might get upset & put energy or LOOSH into this & that LOOSH is used to feed the ASS Demons That Infest You, Faggot.

I said it before, but this time, it's true. Post as many comments as you want demnto faggo, I will not respond to any of them , ever again.

You keep asking me what's with love between 2 men. I HAVE NOTHUNG AGAINST what 2 adult gay men- consenting adults do, behind closed doors. FAGGOT.

You Have a problem with what i write, Not because you are HOMO- but because you are a Pedo supporting PEDERAST!

You also have an extreme desire TO BELONG to some group. You know you really are a freak & an unwanted outcast. So FEELING like a Victim- you RELISH in your own VICTIMHOOD Status. Yet in another twist in yiur sick brain, you do not want to publicly ADMIT you feel like a victom (and also enjoy secretly playing victim game in your own brain)- so you PROJECT that VICTIM bullshit onto others.

I'm not a victim & have never said I was a victim. I do not subscribe to victim thinking & self pity.- Like you- you fucking piece of shit coward.

I never said whatsup betrayed me or anyone else.

You're certainly not the victim of whatsup alleged " betrayal ", or of "day 175 of being flagged".
(emphasis on alleged and the Air Quotes around betrayal)
Btw, you never said whatsup betrayed you?

@whatsup is a duplicitious fuck you over backstabbing BITCH of a Fake Friend if ever I've seen one.


but I never said she was MY friend, so she did not betray me. I also did not say that she betrayed anyone else. I said she is a fake friend- based on many on steemit think she is their friend & that the suggestions she is making are in their best interest as well. I do not. She is a STATIST. I am not a STATIST. She & I ARe Diametrically opposed in our basic Philosophies in life. Even if I think she might be a Fake friend to the average steemit user with her suggestions they put their fiat$ into steemit at a time when steemit has shit hitting the fan- does not mean she has betrayed anyone. To clarify for your twisted fucked kind- she may not have specifically said to people- HEY GO BUY STEEM. But she did act as a VERY PUBLIC CHEERLEADER for doing so.

So to you pretending to be someone's friend, aka fake friend, doesn't mean she 'betrayed' anyone. But you never said.. You're hilarious, keep doing your "won't lash out" lmao.

Posted using Partiko Android

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