Second Steemit Meetup Malaysia was a success!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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What an eye-opening event!

Congratulations yet again to @bitrocker2020 for organizing a second Steemit Meetup in Malaysia.

I had the pleasure and the opportunity of joining the meetup as I happen to be in Kuala Lumpur for holiday. I was nice to drop by and support the effort as well as to see the potential new faces of Steemit.

Shortly after the First ever Steemit Event, @bitrocker2020 decided to host another meetup event due to the huge demand from those who have missed the first, I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise seeing how the Steem blockchain offers an opportunity that is unprecedented and unheard of!

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Participants taking notes and listening intently

I chose take a back seat so that there are space in the front for those who are excited to learn about Steem and Steemit for the first time.

And what do you know!! @kevinwong and @littlenewthings is with us too!

One thing i realized about this event is the demographics of the attendants. Even though one might classify this as a "tech-type" meetup because of the nature of Steem and cryptocurrency, we actually have quite a few seniors (read: People who are young at heart) with us. I was impressed at who @bitrocker2020 was able to articulate and explain the concept of Voting, Reputation, DPOS or as he said; "Social Mining", and quite a few others to uncles and aunt who have not as good as a grasp of tech knowledge.

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@bitrocker2020 explaining away the intricate concept surround Steem

Overall it was an eye-opening event. I am especially impressed with how @bitrocker2020 organized the event and answered everyone's question with passion and clarity. He is able to boil down complicated concepts into easily understandable bits of knowledge.

I'm really happy that we are seeing the beginning of the growth of Malaysian Steemians in terms of number. We are seeing the birth of #TeamMalaysia and it's about time for us to shine along together with everyone in Steem as a whole!

I'm @awesomianist

Stay Awesome!

curation post Steem Power followers Rep


I am happy that the meetup was a success but sad that I can't join in. I hope that this the begining of something new and that it will gather momentum. We should promote the use of teammalaysia tag.

It will be a great beginning! And hopefully in time more people will spearhead the effort to organize more events to speak to the masses. It's time for Malaysia to rise!

It was wonderful to know you too @awesomianist!

Give @kevinwong that guy on the back of the picture a big hug. and a meal, he looks thinner? Are you on a diet mate? XD

Funny thing! I was standing beside him and we both have almost similar body build!

Yep, he's a busy man with constant engagements and many commitments, really impressed with the way he live life that he seems to have "no time to eat".

Imagine his commitment to the community growth of Steemit that, even after doing a cross-country drive back from his business trip, he is still willing to attend this event just so to show support to the organizer. Even with a set of the most tired eyes I've seen in recent times. @kevinwong really deserves more than a big hug, he needs a clank to the beer mug and a one-shot of the best beers among friends. Lol!

Agree. It was a good mix of participants. My friends are impressed. At least 2 are signing up. 1 already preparing content for her introduction post. Well done to @bitrocker2020. He always have a knack in explaining techie stuff to non techies.

That's a rare talent! I find myself most of the time droning off to people that no longer get what I was trying to convey for the past 5 minutes when explaining something I know of.

The sign ups really feel like an ROI isn't it! The more the merrier. Glad your friends find value in the event because then we really can build it from there in terms of reputation for TeamMalaysia. Really hope that this news can travel with the best mode there is; word-of-mouth.

Looks cool. Good to see a lot of people coming up here to the community and much more happy to see the friendship extending out to the real world.

You were right with the newfound friendship. Steemit really gave a chance for new connections to be forge by people who otherwise would never meet!

Looks like a great meet up! All working class?

All range of classes! There were teachers, freelancers, seniors, business owners, a student or two.

The Steem blockchain opens opportunities for everyone, and it's high time everyone should know.

thanks for being there & supporting @awesomianist ! its really great to meet u guys in person !

Was a real pleasure getting to meet you personally too! You were awesome!

It was the least I can do, Even if the event gave me more value than my participation ever would. learnt alot of things from your effort and you set the precedence for more events to come in Malaysia. Truly history in the making and a beginning of something great.

it's fun to here about these developments, connections, and enthusiasm from different parts of the world, that's one of the things i like most about steemit. looking forward to more progress on translations and becoming truly a world uniting format, peace !

Peace to you too! I totally agree on that! In fact, I'm trying to aim to go a step further. Being a Part of the development and connection. @bitrocker2020 certainly pulled it off. And just by seeing how he did it has inspired me to do something similar in the future. Even if just for the experience.

I'm certainly hoping and aiming for more progress because that is a certainty if we want to grow the ecosystem.

I am also planning to organize steemit meet up here in my country. But i need to earn some money for expenses.

There are many ways to do it for free! Ever since the event I've been brainstorming ways to get the word out and honestly I can't stop having new ideas!

The beauty of such events is that we are not even asking a single cent from the participants. As soon as they join in and be a part of the Steem ecosystem, we have technically gotten back our ROI. Which is just mind blowing when you think it that way!

Seriously this is my favourite kind of posts. Stunning attendance, I hope I won't miss the post from the next one, good luck to all of you guys!

@bitrocker2020 has been hustling do more and more events to introduce people in Malaysia to Steemit. I'm even thinking to be an advocate myself in where I live. Exciting times ahead!

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