Steem💰 24 Hour Trading Volume Tops 💲$2.28 Million (CRYPTO:STEEM) ✅

in #steemit6 years ago

Steem (CURRENCY:STEEM) exchanged down 5.1% against the dollar amid the 24-hour time frame finishing at 18:00 PM Eastern on August 27th. Steem has a market top of $201.44 million and $2.28 million worth of Steem was exchanged on trades in the most recent day. Amid the most recent week, Steem has exchanged 29.9% lower against the dollar. One Steem coin would now be able to be acquired for about $0.72 or 0.00011441 BTC on significant digital currency trades including Bithumb, OpenLedger DEX, Huobi and RuDEX. 

Here is the way different digital forms of money have performed amid the most recent day: 

Bitcoin (BTC) exchanged up 0% against the dollar and now exchanges at $6,327.78 or 1.00000000 BTC. 

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) exchanged down 5.3% against the dollar and now exchanges at $441.20 or 0.06987684 BTC. 

Namecoin (NMC) exchanged down 8.3% against the dollar and now exchanges at $1.84 or 0.00029172 BTC. 

Unobtanium (UNO) exchanged 3.8% lower against the dollar and now exchanges at $87.85 or 0.01391341 BTC. 

Counterparty (XCP) exchanged down 2.9% against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.77 or 0.00059725 BTC. 

Crown (CRW) exchanged 8.5% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.21 or 0.00003250 BTC. 

Terracoin (TRC) exchanged up 0.1% against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0947 or 0.00001500 BTC. 

ATBCoin (ATB) exchanged down 1% against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0333 or 0.00000527 BTC. 

(CHIPS) exchanged 3.7% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0656 or 0.00001039 BTC. 

UnbreakableCoin (UNB) exchanged up 0.5% against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.18 or 0.00002839 BTC. 

(STEEM) is a proof-of-work (PoW) coin that uses the SHA-256 hashing calculation. It propelled on July fourth, 2015. Steem's aggregate supply is 295,842,947 coins and its circling supply is 278,868,853 coins. Steem's authentic message board is The Reddit people group for Steem is/r/steemit and the cash's Github record can be seen here. Steem's authentic Twitter account is @steemit and its Facebook page is available here. Steem's authentic site is 

Steem Coin Trading 

Steem can be bought on these cryptographic money trades: Binance, Bithumb, RuDEX, Huobi, Poloniex, HitBTC, GOPAX, OpenLedger DEX, Upbit and Bittrex. It is typically not at present conceivable to purchase elective cryptographic forms of money, for example, Steem specifically utilizing US dollars. Financial specialists looking to exchange Steem should first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin utilizing a trade that arrangements in US dollars, for example, GDAX, Gemini or Coinbase. Financial specialists would then be able to utilize their recently obtained Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase Steem utilizing one of the previously mentioned trades.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67878.14
ETH 2626.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64