Why you "lose" money on some of your Steemit posts

in #steemit7 years ago

Did you notice maybe today how suddenly your posts seem to have lost a few pennies or even a few dollars from where they were standing previously? It's a bit odd seeing your earnings suddenly shave some weight, especially when on the higher end you could be seeing differences of hundreds of dollars.

I'll give you an example:

Here's my latest post when I took a screenshot in the morning time

And here it is shortly later on in the day..

It fluctuated from $350+ to nearly $340. Do you want to know why?

I've seen a lot of new users curious about this, so don't worry, for this is something everybody first gets nervous with when they're just exploring Steemit. There's a lot of things rushing through your mind when you join, and some thoughts are probably stressing on whether or not this site even is legitimate. Once you start posting and realize that you're making real money, you get excited and a little emotional. This is usually good, but then every little detail that goes a bit awry, you take extreme notice. You CANNOT get emotional though, as this will lead to your downfall and limit your success on this platform.

See that image up above? It's Steem's price on Poloniex, a cryptocurrency exchange where you're able to trade your Steem and SBD for BTC or ETH. If you trade, you're most likely familiar with the range of prices a cryptocurrency (or stock) can go through in just a few hours. It's extremely volatile, and some of the more heart-based trades lead to big losses. Anyways, people get excited and through good periods the price may go up. Through bad periods, it may fall drastically and then go on a wild roller coaster ride. It doesn't matter where it goes on a day to day basis, unless you are trading in such a world. Even weekly rates shouldn't apply, as if you're a long term investor you're focused more on the monthly or yearly results.

If you look at Steem's price over the past month, it's looking nice:

Personally I find Steem to be more stable than BTC and plenty of other coins out there, so I don't mind having a decent sized portfolio chunk of it. So the prices fly all over the board, and Steemit is closely tied to this. Basically for every penny you earn, it's revolving around how much Steem Power and SBD you'll receive. Since the price of Steem and SBD do change often, and there's a 7 day delay with payouts (which is good in my opinion, helps you make more in the long run I think) the payouts are subject to change. Give or take a little. During bearish periods, you may lose a few bucks. During bull runs, you'll gain a fair amount.

To the long term investor or content creator, this has little affect. Do you know what really matters? Traffic. And with the amount of users going up each month, and the interest in Steem and Steemit, I think it's fair to say the price of Steem will generally go up over the next few months. So forget about studying the exact earnings you make on every post, and focus more on how to grow your profile and getting more posts out there :)

As the prices move around a lot, most likely any money you "lost" before the payout will be made up as each day you can see differences. As I said, worry more so about creating than the actual earning ;) They're both correlated anyways.

BTW, first person to tell me how many subscribers I currently have on my YT channel gets a 100% upvote.




Price fluctuations do come into play, but another thing to remember is that there is a fixed rewards pool. Lets say hypothetically your post does really well and gets up to $345, and then doesn't have much voting action for the next 5 days until payout. As other posts that are also pending payout receive votes, the effect is that your post's relative share of the rewards pool shrinks.

My advice to newcomers- don't count your chickens before they hatch! You don't really have the reward until the payout has completed 7 days after you initially post an article, and many factors are at play which could cause the value to fluctuate until the payout occurs.

Just be grateful we have this amazing opportunity to generate and reward each other with wealth for our contributions. :)

Exactly, or it could go the other way where suddenly you have a bunch more votes and things could hit $400 ;) who knows, that's the exciting part of it all. The safe bet though is to always assume you'll get 50% (as sometimes you could lose up to 25% just due to curating fees) and then get excited about every percentage on top of that

Great article and 16,444

Thanks, you're correct. Here's the 100% upvote

Thank you so much! I read your article first completely and loved it. Just responded quickly to get the answer in cause I saw nobody responded yet, lol. Followed

The early bird gets the worm

Thanks for the post. I have been wondering myself on why my post treats have been shrinking. I thought it was some bug on the recent HF 😀

So the payout from upvotes would increase when steem increases?

Yes, although it's not instant. When the price of Steem increases, it takes a bit for the system to catch up. That's why the 7 day estimated values of the accounts aren't fully accurate

Oh, I thought that the estimate is final😀 thanks

thats why wee need referral link; ivniting peopole to steemit will boost steem price

I think affiliates on Steemit would be dope, especially if you could make a percentage of what others earn. You invite a lot of people, you could be earning good money

you like the idea huh

and its 1445 now iv subcribed right on brother

Unfortunately there was an answer previous to yours, but thanks for coming in :) and subbing!

good info

Thank you mate for reading :)

You got hella subscribers the answer is hella. final answer.

@avilid I'm a big fan of what u do iv watch all ur video on youtube and because of you I found steemit p.s more dark web stuff pls love the way u teach its so easy to get my head round all the info when usually its overwhelming

THANK YOUUUUUUU :) and yeah, most definitely I'll be releasing a lot more darknet videos!

Thank you...question...if it goes down for one user but not the other user at the same time..what could it be?

Right now im wondering why im not getting any rewards for upvotes and it seems to be 8 days going on so far.

It might be just too small to register. If a post doesn't get trending, or you don't have enough steem it might be just fractions of .0001 or something. Honestly your best bet is to post content and get that going as otherwise, without investment of capital it is difficult to earn through curating.

oh ive upvoted popular posts like sweetssj for example early on. Just all the sudden it seems to have gone dead and the best ive found is some people months back having the same kinda issue, maybe a bug in the system or maybe not.

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