How Steemit has given me another chance!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Ever since I was introduced to Steemit through a comment on one of PsychedSubstance's videos, I've been hooked. The first week here I was a bit sketched out and confused. Constant thoughts of "Scam?" or "PONZI SCHEME!" kept looming in the back of my head, begging for answers.

After a few days of research, I finally calmed down the raging thoughts and the mud has settled. I run a drug orientated channel over on YouTube, now approaching 12,000 subscribers. This is my first personal channel, and I'm no stranger to YouTube as I've run over 100 channels since 2010-2011. My largest channel was Buzzvines, which is over 500K (however it's out of my hands now).

I knew very well going into my channel that if I posted controversial content, I'd be flagged and I'd make a lot less money. I didn't care. I didn't want to be censored and so I spoke my mind freely. In recent events though, with the ad boycotts and YouTube's new policies, my channel went from earning about 1/4th of what it should've been earning to now about 1/12th. Some channels over on YouTube can make over a few dollars per 1k views. On my most viewed videos, such as my LSD replication (which cost me and my editor over $500 to make and market, hence why it's approaching 600,000 views now and has been featured on so many popular pages) I had days where I made about a 1 cent CPM. Other videos are completely demonetized.

I find it funny how one of my posts here recently made over $8 (and even though that won't go fully to me, that's quite a lot!) compared to maybe the 2 pennies on YouTube. It's not that I'm going to stop creating content, but when you choose to move out and really get your life started and this happens all of the sudden where your earnings drop like crazy.. you panic for a little. Even in a country like Poland, where I'm trying to live for under $500 a month, the effects can be felt. I know my channel's nothing big or anything, however I was got quite demotivated spending my time and money marketing the channel.

And now with Steemit in my life, I feel like I got another chance to monetize my content. I know my videos aren't all that professional and I'm just a 19 year old filming myself with my phone camera.. but sometimes I release something that I feel needs to be heard, and it's hard finding the motivation to spread it everywhere you can when it seems like a lot of people are going against it.

Thank you for not caring whether or not content here is "family-friendly". I won't go as far as saying that YouTube's censoring their creators, I mean.. it is their platform, they're able to do whatever they want with it. But I find it funny how even the largest content producers (such as H3H3 or a lot of political channels) are now jumping ship and moving onto better platforms. I know it's not much, but it just means so much that it's crazy! It's not even about the money, it's more about just thinking long-term and seeing hope here.

I've been in love with social media platforms from the start, and throughout the years I've been crushed time and time again on each major platform. Whether it's bad customer service or my large accounts getting hacked or demonetization or whatever it was, I kept seeing failures right after my giant successes. And once you see enough of that, it starts to debilitate you. I was starting to panic a little, losing sight of what my mission originally was.. but now it seems I'm able to sleep better at night knowing there's something out there for the little guys.



Wow, you REALLY need to check out LBRY!!!
They are about to launch the first public release, and while it does have it's fair share of bugs right now this platform is built for you.
First the disclaimer - I own less than .5 BTC worth of LBRY. I get a whopping 5 LBC if you use that code to sign up.
Now that's done - LBRY is a content library on the blockchain. It has a great team, they've signed two HUGE YouTubers already, and I can connect you with Reilly who will ensure your content gets front and center. When just one of my videos was featured on the front page I made more in a couple weeks than I do with all my content on YouTube in a year. Granted, it wasn't a big number, but the point is no one will tell you what you can and cannot post there. You decide what price your content is worth! No advertisers to answer to.
I wish there was a direct message function here. I'd be more than happy to help introduce you to LBRY any way I can. I think I know what my next blob post is about now :-)

Hey I remember your intro post! Which 2 youtubers were signed? And what do you mean by signed? Cheers

I remember you from your comment on my intro post :-)
LBRY has brought GradeAUnderA on board as well as Casually Explained. When I say 'signed' I'm using the term loosely - I know they are receiving a nice bounty for using the platform in hopes of starting to grow the audience.
If you're interested I will introduce you to Reilly on slack - he's in charge of the content stuff, super nice guy and wants youtubers!

Of course, but before I go on board I'd like to hear more details as I'm always err.. well, you know. It takes a while for me to trust something. Do you have a chat through steemit? Or what's the best place to reach you?

I can set up a steem chat - I'll have to learn how. :-)

Ok, I'm on steemit chat as geocurt - hit me up!

I'm sorry I forgot how to type it in, what's the url mate? Cheers

Can you go to my page and help boost my post they all are getting hid do to low rating. It would really help out a lot .. thanks

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