Things to do on Today

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


As the excitement of Summer wanes and the winter holidays have not yet arrived, we need something to do on Steemit to pass the time.

You're probably thinking, "Aren't we already doing those things right now?" Well, sure...but if you really want to spice things up, try these simple steps to make your Steemit day much more interesting!

1 - Log into Your Account

First things first: Log into your account with your posting key. Never, ever, ever, NEVER sign in with your active key or master password - unless you like being phished and having your money stolen or losing your account altogether.

Once you're logged in, you're ready for some Steemit action!

2 - Check Your Blog Posts and Comments for Engagement

Aww, man...after 12 hours, nobody has upvoted or commented on your posts yet. Well, except for those bots that upvote everything at 1% or those accounts that spam you with "folow me becuz i luv u!" But where are all of the other users? You might be asking yourself, "Am I invisible?"


Oh, well. On to the next step.

3 - Visit the Trending Page

Oh, no! Steemit must be broken! This is exactly the same as it was yesterday...and last week...and last month! Is Steemit being DDOSed again? I sure hope they fix that soon. I can't wait to see which users will be on trending tomorrow!

4 - Upvote Your Favorite Authors

So now you're checking on your personal list of authors that you follow. And then you see something really cool.

"Oh, wait a minute. I voted on this post last night. And four hours ago. And 30 minutes ago. That's odd.


"'s that funny comic that I upvoted yesterday. And last night. And this morning. And an hour ago. Why are my votes not working??? Does Steemit hate me???"




And now you're ready for some really fun stuff!

5 - Engage in a Discussion by Leaving a Comment

You've just discovered a post with a lively discussion and wanted to jump in with some poignant counterarguments. After carefully crafting what you think is the best comment in the entire thread - and literally the longest one - you hit that 'POST' button.

And the little circle starts spinning.

And spinning...

And spinning...



And you think to yourself, "Oh, my god! I hope I can still copy that comment!"

You try to copy it, but no luck. Still, the circle spins and you remain hopeful. Until...

504 Gateway Time-out


You refresh the page and try to remember how awesome your comment was. You type it all out again but can't help feeling like the original was so much better...that you're forgetting something. After 30 minutes of editing and contemplating, you think, "Screw it! Close enough!" And then you hit the 'POST' button.


Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!

"What in the even...? How did I get logged out??? ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!"


6 - Create a Blog Post

“Great! I just finished writing my essay on gamma pulses and extinction events and I’m ready to post!”


“Oh, no…not that spinning circle again.”

Error: The WS connection was closed before this operation was made

"Umm...maybe I'll just try again tomorrow. My auto-voters won't even be able to support me right now anyway."

7 - Buy STEEM in the Internal Marketplace

After being sufficiently frustrated by logging in, voting, and commenting problems, you can try your luck with purchasing some cheap STEEM on the internal marketplace. You just earned 2.84 SBDs from your last week's worth of posts and now you're ready to turn that into some much needed stake in the Steem blockchain.

You place your bid, you wait 40 minutes for someone to accept it, and then you see the transaction go through. Hooray! You're now just a little bit larger than the lowest of the Steem plankton! Time to go out and upvote some posts!

No, wait. Before doing that, there were some rewards to collect. You click on the 'Claim Rewards' button on your transfers page.

Ten seconds pass.

Then 20 seconds.

Then 30 seconds.

Then a minute.

"Not again," You say out loud. You refresh the page. And then you see it.

"My 2.84 SBD? Why do I still have that??? I already sold it for STEEM!!! Is this blockchain real? Am I even on a real website right now?"

Maybe you're ready to skip this step and just move on to the next one.

8 - Send Someone a Tip from Your Wallet

"Nope. I'll pass. Let me go see what's happening on Facebook..."


Images of woman courtesy of

Image courtesy of @mynameisbrian


If you write a comment and hit POST and it spins for a long time, just copy the URL and paste it into another tab. You should see your comment there. Copy that into Notepad or some text editor and refresh the page and paste in the comment to try again! That's my procedure and it works for me. Good luck all!

Kenny, you're a lifesaver! Copied and Upvoted! Thanks!

The dreaded MalfunctionMonday. They probably forgot to give some coffee to the servers.

Lol, plus my Wi-Fi is super slow ...

I tried to upvote your post... Oh, wait, the spinning circle again... Ok, false alarm... :) Great job with this blog. :)

You should make a once a week what to do post for the day with some contest or challenges you seem to get a good amount of attention

You missed some points - however I gave you a vote for this post:

9 - check my account - every 2 hours minimum (use esteem or busy)

10 - Vote every of my shit posts w ith 100% - if you have more than one account - repeat this!

11 - related 9 + 10 every 3 hours minimum to get a bounty

I HOPE people want upvote me but this spining circle stops them. I am cool yeaaa

nice post @ats-david.

This is all happening with me on steemit. When you click to claim rewards and it is not working.

COOL, I AM NOT ALONE, you also have problems with steemit. Thanks for information about how to log in

as always, I'm entertained by your tongue-in-cheek style and it helped mitigate some of my frustration from watching that spinning circle. I actually did go over and browse but it felt like I was being unfaithful somehow. I mean, if everyone else is struggling, I should join in and waste my day too. It seems only fair, considering :)

I would use Busy more, but that interface has issues of its own - mainly, navigation. Steemit and Busy are two peas in a pod. It makes sense that STINC would officially partner with them.

It's sad that there are two "major" sites for Steem...and neither of them are really worth using. Maybe we can just keep hoping for better development?

Better development would make me very happy. People I have encouraged to visit the site are put off by the UI - as for the navigation issues on Busy, I'm glad you mentioned that. I thought it was my ineptitude, lol

The interface of could do with some changes, but is does feel more stable and nippy, which suggests it is better set up architecturally and code-wise under the hood and could be changed into a better steemit fairly easily, given the right requirements. But maybe that is just wishful thinking.

Your post is not only helpful, but funny and even had some style. Keep posting funny stuff, your good at it!

So mother fucking sad....but so true. Almost daily now.


I outsmarted the fail circle yesterday by taking a screenshot of the post. Then spent an hour retyping it. Clever, eh? Pretty sad that the broken state is the normal state of Steemit and has been for quite some time now if not always. Those mythical DDoS attacks which were proven as false by a user, that excellent coding, that new post button which still needs css, the perpetual Beta, those SMTs coming up "soon". Keeps me working on a private frontend if nothing else.

Those mythical DDoS attacks which were proven as false by a user

Link, pls

Just referring to this.

It’s funny...because I heard similar things as it was happening, from an alleged STINC employee.

After the chat discussion that night, this person subsequently deleted all of his posts that explicitly denied that it was a DDOS and explicitly admitted that it was a STINC fuck up.

Strange how that works, isn’t it?

So, what's the conclusion? That DDOS was a misnomer and the problems were caused by inept handling of exceptions when interfacing with an external service? Or was there a proper DDOS after all, initiated by parties unknown? And why did Sneak flag that post?

Hard to say. But it seems that the issues are with servers/nodes/APIs/load-balancing and other factors.

Claiming DDoS at this point seems like BS. Unless Steemit, Busy, and the blockchain itself have been under DDoS attacks for the past week and a half.

So there wasn't a DDOS? Just curious.

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